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A to Z of Thankful Me: I

A to Z Challenge, Day 9:  I (And 10 Things of Thankful, Too!)

I is for Inspiration and Ideas as sweet

As Ice cream, a yummy treat.

I've been enjoying the A to Z Challenge; having structure and the ability to write and schedule the posts ahead of time has actually made blogging seem less daunting.  (Of course, going with an alphabet book theme also keeps my posts very short!)

We'll count that as my first thankful for the week.  Here are the others:

2.  I filled up my gas tank and paid less than $3.00 a gallon!  I thought the days of 2 dollar gas were behind us again, but I was happily wrong.

3.  On another financial front, I'm happy for my oldest daughter, who not only has received acceptance letters from several law schools, but has also received offers of scholarships!  While education is one of the few things I find debt-worthy, I am happy that she might be able to finish her schooling without such a huge loan to repay. 

4.  Even though I seem to have set my internal alarm clock for 3 a.m., I have been able to mentally hit "snooze" and go back to sleep.  I operate much better on a full night's sleep.

5.  Like the dropping gas prices, our temperatures have also gone back down this week.  We even had a freeze warning last night! The longer we can avoid the inevitable triple-digits, the better.  

6.  We also had a few raindrops.  Yes, we need many, many more, but I am thankful for each one.  

7.  The baseball season has started.  We enjoy watching our local high-A baseball team play, and we enjoy the between-innings entertainment.  I'm not sure I can adequately explain the newest tradition, and I forgot to get a photo of it.  Picture three mascot-like astronauts:  John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, and Pete Knight.  The astronauts race from the outfield to the dugout.  Silly fun!  John Glenn won, by the way.  

8.  Willow is just about ready to return to Guide Dogs for the Blind for her formal training.  I will miss her, but I am excited for her. She is returning for a breeder evaluation; if GDB doesn't need her as a breeder, she will then begin her training as a guide dog.  

9.  Tuesday night, I had a nice time at Relief Society.  We discussed Family Home Evening. One hundred years ago, the church leaders asked us to set aside one evening each week to spend time with our families.  At Relief Society, we talked about tips to make our Family Home Evenings more successful.  We also watched the video clip, "Consistency is the Key," found on that above link.  It made us chuckle, and helped us feel better about our own efforts.

10.  John is a man of many talents.  This week he refinished his work table.  It looks so much better and, more importantly, the now-smooth surface means he no longer needs to put papers under his papers in order to write.  

Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. I am very surprised to see your thankful regarding gas prices. I haven't paid three dollars in months. In fact, we've been down at $2.10 for a while now. Guess I'll say I'm thankful for the midwest's low cost of living.:)

    Congrats to your daughter!

    Minor league games are so much fun. I like them better than major league.

    Nice work on the table, John!

    1. California has ridiculously high gas prices. Even a few months ago, when prices dipped so low, we only got down to 2.29 a gallon. That lasted for about one fill-up. I paid 2.97 this week, and was delighted.

  2. Incredible, those gas-prizes.... We, in the Netherlands, pay around 6,5 dollars the gallon!!! I always like to point that out to Americans, to show you're not having it so bad after all...
    Ideas, Imagination, Intelligence and Inspiration are my fuel, Icecream makes everything better and today we finally had our first day of spring with temps of around 68 degrees!!! I Love it! (too bad tomorrow give more rain..)
    Improvement on "old" furniture always is very satisfactory.
    Independence for daughter and Willow - Invested time you gave will not be in vain..
    (Wow, I AM good at this!!)

    1. Yes, you are! As for the gas prices, you are right; we really have no reason to complain.

  3. The table is gorgeous. I love interesting grain patterns in wood.

    1. I do, too. The table was a tired-looking garage sale find. All it needed was a bit of attention.

  4. You are often lucky and get rain when we don't but we got some rain on Tuesday night, too! YEAH!!! My lawn is so happy!

  5. wow, John did a fabulous job on that table! Heres hoping for more rain for your whole state! Nice for your daughter as well...not to have to accumulate ridiculous amounts of debt for school.

    1. He really did bring out the beauty of the piece. I hope we get more rain, too. As for my daughter, I'm not sure which school she will choose, but at least she has the option of less debt.

  6. very good looking table!
    #5… we are surely polar opposites when it comes to ideal temperatures! can't be hot enough for me…. I am still using the electric heater at the office (our Admin bought me one of those, little square heaters (with a fan) that keeps my feet warm under the desk

    1. I don't mind warmth, but once the temps hit 105 or above, it's just too hot. Warm fall days are nice, because I know temps are going down with time. In the spring, warm days are harbingers of too hot days, if that makes sense.

  7. That table has such a beautiful grain! Good work, John!
    I'm going to miss Willowwwww!
    Congratulations to your daughter for the scholarship offers for law school! I guess I never really thought about scholarships for grad school. Good to know there is such a thing!

    1. Isn't it a nice table? John did a good job bringing out the beauty of it.
      We are going to miss Willow, too! Did GDB ever get back to you?
      I never realized scholarships were available, either. Of course, she is leaning towards a school that hasn't (yet) offered her a scholarship, but it's nice she at least has options.

    2. They haven't answered me yet. I'm still holding out hope.

    3. They haven't answered me yet. I'm still holding out hope.

  8. I'm happy to hear about your daughter's scholarship. Congratulations!

  9. I need my 8 hours, too, Kristi. A wonderful week in so many ways. Cute poem for I.

    1. Alas, I didn't get 8 last night. I might try to sneak in a nap later today. :-)

  10. A huge congrats on your daughter's schooling! You've done a wonderful job, mum.

    1. One thing I've learned as a mom is that, while I try to do the best I can, my kids get to own their accomplishments. I'm definitely proud of my daughter; she has done the work that has gotten her where she is today!

  11. That's fantastic news about your daughter! I have a few years left before I need to start worrying about college, but the looming expense is already in the back of my mind.
    What a gorgeous job your hubby did on that table! You're a lucky lady!

    1. The cost of college is crazy, but there are relatively affordable options out there. My daughter did her undergrad at Brigham Young University, for example, which is a real bargain. (And although we are Mormon, you don't have to be in order to attend.)

  12. The table looks fantastic. And count me in on the night at home with family plan!

    1. Family home evening is a great tool to building a strong family!

  13. That table is amazing and the ice cream looks very yummy!

    1. I'm glad John was able to restore the table, and yes, the ice cream was delicious!

  14. Ice cream cheers me up when I'm down. Always thankful for ice cream. And summer baseball games that are coming. And cheaper gas (though that's tinged with all the trouble in the MidEast).

    1. I decided to blissfully ignore the Middle East problems when I mentioned the gas prices. However, I do think it is good to be informed. I'm not advocating ignorance.

  15. For this TToT, I'll just stick to "ignorance is bliss" when it comes to fuel prices. You are right, though--I imagine there is much more to the story. :-)

    It remains to be seen whether my daughter will decide to go to a school that offered a scholarship, or to her dream school that didn't (yet?) Whichever she decided, I'm happy she has options.

    I really hope Willow graduates! And ice cream and beautiful tables are always nice!

  16. A-League baseball is so much fun! We live near a Triple A team and at one time I worked at a Triple A stadium! This level of baseball is really so much more fun than the majors! What wonderful news about your daughters higher education! Best wishes that everything keeps going her way! Welcome spring and lower gas prices.

    1. I enjoyed watching the Mariners play when we lived in Seattle, but I do agree that this level of ball is really entertaining. It is fun to be able to say, "I knew them when. . . "

  17. Willow's all "grown up"! I'm afraid if she was with me for as long as she was with you...I wouldn't want to let her go! Will Drexel by sad?
    The table is very beautiful Kristi. John has done a wonderful job:)
    The ice cream! What a massive sundae thing. Looks most excellent. It's been forever since I've had a sundae. Ice cream and baseball kind of go together. Very Spring like!
    That's fabulous news about your daughter. Good for her! I hope she gets a scholarship to the school of her choice:)

    1. I imagine Drexel will both miss her, and enjoy not being pestered by her. :-)

      John did a great job, didn't he? I love what a difference refinishing makes.

  18. John's table looks amazing and yay for baseball and raindrops and school and scholarships! Thankful indeed!

  19. Wow, that ice cream looks amazing. So does the table! Good luck with the A - Z. Sounds like a lot of hard work!


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