I intended to make this post my vacation report, part one. Instead I've decided to comment about those people who, like this bear, find themselves far removed from solid footing, yet are managing to hold on anyway. We all face challenges during this journey called life. Why do bad things happen to good people? Here is my philosophy: We experience trials in our lives so that we can be more understanding and better able to serve others. When I am going through a difficult time, I want to talk to someone who understands--someone who has "been there." Trials are not provided to "teach us a lesson" in the punitive sense, but trials do help keep us humble, and help us learn to refrain from judging others. Trials help us focus on the things that truly matter. In short, trials help us become more Christ-like. As we all experience hardships, we should be supportive of others as they face their challenges. For my friends, family members, and acquaintan
Living life with a thankful heart