Linking up with Denise of Girlie on the Edge today with another Six Sentence Story . Today's prompt: classics . Photo: An old black and white photo showing the huge stone Central New York City Library, complete with stone lions, Patience and Fortitude. Source Words spoken instantly transport me back to childhood. "Kerplink" evokes the smells, tastes, and sights of blueberry picking with Sal; "terrible" needs to be followed with "horrible, no-good, very bad;" "caps" are always for sale for fifty cents; and "I think" is not followed by "therefore, I am, " but rather, "I can," and repeated as a mantra. The power of classic children's literature turns two-year-olds into "readers," as they recite, verbatim, the words of The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear , and allows exhausted parents everywhere to speak, without even looking at the book, the text beginning wit