I know it's only been a few days since I linked up with the previous Ten Things of Thankful blog hop, but since I've titled this post "End of August Edition," I'm pretty much committed to publishing it today. 🙂 Besides, being thankful isn't limited to once a week. 1. I'm thankful for unexpected surprises--specifically, my discovery that the dishwasher has a third rack. It would have been one thing if this dishwasher came with the house and I just happened to discover the rack now, but we actually purchased the dishwasher and had it installed months ago. I vaguely remember reading that it came with a third rack, and I guess I just figured the little fold-down piece on (what I thought was) the top rack counted as a third rack. I'm still laughing, and wondering if any of my previous dishwashers had features I didn't ever find out about! Photo: My dishwasher, with all three racks extended. The top rack is the perfect depth for lids and long ut
Living life with a thankful heart