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Showing posts from March, 2013

Sunday Musings of the Spirit: He is Risen!

Please enjoy this brief Easter message:   Thanks for the res urrected Christ, w ithout whom we would be lost. Sew Darn Crafty Party, Find a Friend Friday, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop, Show Your Stuff, The Wildly Original Link Party, Wow Us Wednesdays, Down Home Blog Hop , Tuesday Archive Link Up, Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River , Grandparents Say It Saturday The Creative Home Acre Hop ,  Best Blog Post Ever , Grand Social, Crafty Garden Mama, Let's Get Social Sundays

Friday Family History: Ford Anglia

In November 2002, our family ventured out to watch the recently -releas ed movie, "Harry Potter and the Chambe r of Secrets."  The kids loved seeing Harry, Ron, and Hermione on the big screen.   For Joh n, though, t he most thrilling part of the show was the realization that he had owned a flying car.  

Thursday Thoughts: More Random Facts and Another Liebster

Recently, Betty from Losing My Gut While Gaining my Insanity nominated me for a nother Liebster award.  Thanks, Betty!

(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday: Guide Dog Puppies Drexel and Dee

Thanks to my friend Stacey (Dee's puppy raiser) for her friendship and photos , and thanks to my little brother, who celebrates a birthday today. Sew Darn Crafty Party, Find a Friend Friday, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop, Show Your Stuff, The Wildly Original Link Party, Wow Us Wednesdays, Down Home Blog Hop , Tuesday Archive Link Up, Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River , Grandparents Say It Saturday The Creative Home Acre Hop ,  Best Blog Post Ever , Grand Social, Crafty Garden Mama

Tuesday Time to Tackle: A Bunch of LIttle, Neglected Chores

A friend once told me that she d idn't blog because she didn't think she had much to blog about.  Today is one of those days for me ; I'm getting miscellaneous chores done, b ut nothing that really deserves a tutorial. source

Monday Morning in the Kitchen: Granola

One of my favorite breakfasts is fresh fruit topped with yogurt and granola.  This recipe is easily adapted , so feel free to experi ment with different ingredients.

Sunday Musings of the Spirit: April Visiting Teaching Message

I found it interesting that one of t he references in April's visiting teaching message is the same scripture we used for our stake women's conference ear lier this month. Thanks for the temple and covenants. Sew Darn Crafty Party, Find a Friend Friday, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop, Show Your Stuff, The Wildly Original Link Party, Wow Us Wednesdays, Down Home Blog Hop , Tuesday Archive Link Up, Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River , Grandparents Say It Saturday The Creative Home Acre Hop ,  Best Blog Post Ever , Grand Social, Crafty Garden Mama

Friday Family History: RootsTech

Have you heard about RootsTech, the conference which combines family history and technology?  I've never attended, but thanks to the internet, I can watch various presentations from t he comfort of my ho me --and you can too ( though you'd proba bly prefer the comfort of your own home .)

Thursday Thoughts: Does the Easter Bunny Have Helpers?

Getting the Sunday newspaper is normally an unevent ful experience, but one Easter Sunday John was greeted by a surprise when he stepped outside .  When he came inside, he told me that the Easter Bunny had come during the night.  Now, John and I usually know when the Easter Bunny come, so t his was not exactly news to me.  When I didn't react as he expected, he said with empha sis, "No, really! The Easter Bunny came.  Come see!"   source

(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday: Hidden Hooded Oriole

Thanks for second chances and beautiful birds--I hope to be able to get a good photo sometime! Sew Darn Crafty Party, Find a Friend Friday, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop, Show Your Stuff, The Wildly Original Link Party, Wow Us Wednesdays, Down Home Blog Hop , Tuesday Archive Link Up, Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River , Grandparents Say It Saturday The Creative Home Acre Hop ,  Best Blog Post Ever , Grand Social, Crafty Garden Mama

Tuesday Time to Tackle: Spring Decor

  It's March 19th, the day the swallows return to San Juan Capistrano, and oldest daught er's bir thday.  The calendar says winte r ' s end is nigh .  I'm ready for brigh t, cheery spring decor.

Monday Morning in the Kitchen: Greek Yogurt

I've jumped on board the Greek yogurt bandwagon.  I love the thick, creamy texture and the high protein content.  The price does not impress me, however.  Time to make my own!

Sunday Musings of the Spirit: Women's Conference

I failed to get a blog post up last Sunday.  I had planned on writing about a women's conference I attended on the previous d ay, but I was tired when I sat down to write .  I decided t o leave the account for another day.  Today's the day!

Friday Family History: How Has Technology Changed Your Life?

Last night , I heated som e pot pies in t he oven (in honor of Pi day).  I explained that I could have microwaved them, but decided to use the regu lar oven instead.  John joked that I must have cooked them for 3 hours at 1400 degrees .  I explained to the kids that those jokes originat ed when the microwa ve debuted, as cooks a cross the world had to adapt to incr easing cooking times when they cooked more . 

Thursday Thoughts: Matter of Perspective

Do es th e sight of a dandeli on mak e you want to run for the wee d -killer ?  

(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday: Signs of Spring

Thanks for the blossoms and birds. Sew Darn Crafty Party, Find a Friend Friday, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop, Show Your Stuff, The Wildly Original Link Party, Wow Us Wednesdays, Down Home Blog Hop , Tuesday Archive Link Up, Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River , Grandparents Say It Saturday The Creative Home Acre Hop ,  Best Blog Post Ever , Grand Social Crafty Garden Mama

Tuesday Time to Tackle: Thrifty Easter Basket

Want to hel p out the Easter bunny this year ?  N ow ' s the time to scour the thrift stores for bargain it ems for the baskets .  (If you don't al ready have baskets, thrift stores usually have oodles of those, too. )

Monday Morning in the Kitchen: Healthy Grain and Pomegranate Muffins

When ever I ha ve leftover cooked cereal, I like to make muffins.  This is an easily adapted recipe; in fact, I used a basic mu ffin recipe fro m The Tightwad Gaz ette to come up with this one.

Friday Family History: Boys Will be Boys

Another Fri day, another family classic story. My youngest son has the most gorgeous red, curly hair.  From the time he was a baby, women have comment e d on the beauty of his locks.  

Thursday Thoughts: We Are Family; I Got All My Sisters With Me

Yesterda y , a woman and I chatted briefly in Walmart . We both recognized that we knew each other, but neither one of us remembered how we were acquainted.   The sur prising thing, though, was t hat we both seemed g enuinely delighted with our visit.  Source

(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday: Drexel's Debut

Thanks for a program that allows me to take a puppy with me practi cally everywhere . Sew Darn Crafty Party, Find a Friend Friday, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop, Show Your Stuff, The Wildly Original Link Party, Wow Us Wednesdays, Down Home Blog Hop , Tuesday Archive Link Up, Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River , Grandparents Say It Saturday The Creative Home Acre Hop , Grand Social

Tuesday Time to Tackle: Pruning the Grapes

I blinked and my roses went from bare branches to leafed out and budding, so I miss ed my chance to do a good winter pru ning on them.  Fortunately, my grape vines were still in dormancy, so t his past weekend, I got out the shears and went to work.

Monday Morning in the Kitchen: Crockpot Chicken and Winter Vegetables

I love the conveni ence of a slow cooker.  I can throw something in it early in the day, when I have the most energy, an d when it is dinnertime a nd my energy is waning, my meal is ready to eat.  Th is is a very simple , easily adapted , comfort food recipe.

Sunday Musings of the Spirit: There's an App for That

I used to see lots of "Sunday bags" at church--bags contain ing scriptures, manuals, paper and pencils, etc.  Now, with smart phones, tablets, and e-readers, people p ack lighter for church.

Friday Family History: The Three-Year-Old in the Kitchen

Oldest daughter had the spotlight last week .  This week, oldest son (having given permission), gets one of his adventures featured on the blog.