John takes a selfie with a statue of an alligator, which is on a brick wall in Baker City, Oregon I love to laugh. Humor has always provided relief from stressful times. During my 3rd pregnancy, I spent the six weeks prior to my son's birth in the hospital, in an effort to prevent an extremely early delivery. (He managed to wait until 30 weeks--still very early, but much better than 24.) Every night, I would be hooked up to a fetal monitor to see how he was doing. I would use that time to watch sit-coms on TV. More than one time, the nurse would come into my room to make sure everything was OK, because my laughter was causing the monitor to read strangely. I tried to sit still and behave, but I also welcomed the emotional relief that laughter brought to my situation. Collectively, we are experiencing some stressful times right now, but there are many individuals who are helping--in lots of ways, including comic relief. I thought it might be fun for this week's Ten Thing
Living life with a thankful heart