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Ten Things of Thankful: A Cozy, Settled Post

Drexel, the yellow lab, relaxing on the kitchen floor The view from my back door: freshly-fallen snow covers the steps and yard, while the foothills behind have a dusting of snow I usually sleep very well. I know not everyone does, so I consider myself fortunate. Last night, for no reason at all, I decided that 1 a.m. was an acceptable wake-up time.  I played Wordle (and Quordle) on my phone as well as the mind game of "Do I really want to walk downstairs to retrieve my Kindle?" for way too long before deciding that yes, reading a book in bed is much preferable to aimlessly scrolling down a Facebook feed. I did manage to fall back asleep eventually, but woke up to freshly-fallen snow and about zero motivation to do anything other than read or write, so I'm indulging in a rather lazy morning today (which, according to the clock, has now spilled into the afternoon.)  1. I'm thankful for having the luxury of minimal demands on my time. Some days, weeks, months, years, or...
Recent posts

Ten Things of Thankful: Joining the Party Again

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Ten Things of Thankful: A Quick List for a Busy Time

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Ten Things of Thankful: October General Conference

  The congregation on both sides of the aisle leading to the Conference Center platform. source  Those of you who have followed my blog for a while know that I look forward to every April and October, when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds its General Conference . While I am thankful about many things from this past week (more time spent with my oldest daughter, a beach day with my grandchildren, etc.), I thought for this Ten Things of Thankful post, I'd share 10 quotes that stood out to me in General Conference.  1. "Divine love never runs dry, and we are each a cherished favourite. God's love is where, as circles on a Venn diagram, we all overlap. Whichever parts of us seem different, His love is where we find togetherness." --Elder Karl D. Hirst 2. "Whenever we seek to bless the lives of others, the Lord takes mercy upon us even more; He strengthens us and helps us in our lives." --Elder Gregorio E. Casillas 3. "We need to avoid c...

Ten Things of Thankful: A Missouri and Arkansas Edition

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Ten Things of Thankful: Welcome, September!

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Ten Things of Thankful: A is for Crocodile

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