Youngest daughter asked today if the desktop computer was past its expiration date. I believe it just might be. As I mentioned yesterday, the mouse was unresponsive. I got a new mouse, and the installation of Rosetta Stone was going along smoothly this morning until I hit the "enter activation code" page. When I tried to enter the code, I couldn't type a zero. Hmmm, so apparently the keyboard was on the fritz. Back to Staples for a keyboard. Uh oh. Still no zero. No one either. Wait a minute. I thought computers ran on ones and zeroes. I find it a little ironic that the computer will accept everything I type in the keyboard except ones and zeroes. If any of you techie types have any idea how to elicit cooperation, I'd appreciate it. My tried-and-true method of removing privileges and assigning chores doesn't seem to work on the computer as well as it does with kids.
Living life with a thankful heart