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A to Z of Thankful Me: C (And 10 Things of Thankful, Too!)

This is Day 3 of the A to Z Challenge:  Letter C

C is for Charity, the greatest of all,

One of my favorite scriptures

And Craftsman homes so sturdy they never will fall.

Wouldn't it be fun to have an elephant and giraffe on your front porch?

Now, it is also Friday, which means I will be linking up with the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop (once it goes live).  This week, I'm thankful for:

1.  My newly-discovered cousins, Dyanne and Christine.  Last weekend, the three of us were messaging back and forth on Facebook.  I formed a group on Relative Finder to see if we were related.  Come to find out, we are!  If you would like to know how the Relative Finder site works, check out these posts: My Favorite 10th Cousin, Part I and My Favorite 10th Cousin, Part II.

2.  Time spent with my children and grandchildren.  John and I had a chance on Tuesday to go out to lunch with a couple of our daughters and the granddaughters.  Famous Dave's provided a learning opportunity; oldest granddaughter was fascinated by the mounted animal head on the wall.  Now she knows, "Elk!"

3.  Time spent with friends.  Every month or so, a group of friends get together and eat a potluck lunch at somebody's home.  These are friends that I seldom see otherwise, so it is nice to get a chance to catch up.  We were commenting on how weird it is that we have such OLD kids!  We were freely dispensing our wisdom to those with a tiny-bit-younger kids, like at which DMV a child is most likely to pass her driver's license test.  

4.  Friends who remind me that I am not perfect, but that I'm OK.  I met together with my Relief Society presidency this week.  At the close of our presidency meeting, we picked a date for our next meeting.  Today, I got a call from one of my counselors, apologizing that she would not be available on the day we had scheduled, and asking if we could do it the day before.  I checked my calendar, and realized that not only was I also not available on that day, I was also not available on the day we originally picked! Where my mind is, I do not know, but I am thankful for friends who are patient with me.  

5.  My brother and sister, and for the ability we have to communicate easily across the miles that separate us.  My mom is scheduled for surgery next month, and my siblings and I could easily coordinate who could help out, and when.

6.  Accommodating doctors' schedules.  The initial date for my mom's surgery was presenting a bit of a challenge for us, but my mom was able to reschedule without a hassle.  (Note to anyone needing to schedule a surgery:  If possible, talk to your recovery helpers BEFORE scheduling!) [Love you, Mom--thanks for rescheduling.]

7.  Taxes that are DONE!  I stress ate I-don't-know-how-many jelly beans while working on the return, but it is completed!  

8.  Remembering to print double-sided, so that the paper copy of the return I keep for my records does not take a ream of paper to print.  Of course, I am exaggerating, folks, but I love the fact my printer will print on both sides of the paper.  I'm easily wowed.  

9.  Easter Sunday is this weekend, as is General Conference.  I look forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, and receiving inspiration to help me in my life.  

10.  John.  Always John.  

What are you thankful for this week?

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Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. Ah! combining (I hit the side of my head with the heel of my right hand!) today's Alpha-to-Bits April Blog Challenge with the week's TToT… very resourceful.
    lol… I saw the photo before, what I did not notice before (although you most certainly mentioned it), was the giraffe!
    very good post

    (and, if I can stop typing for a second, maybe even, FRIST)

    1. Frist you are! I'm not sure I mentioned the giraffe--I think I said something about whimsy, which the elephant certainly demonstrates, too.

  2. I schedule a monthly get together with some old friends, too. We seldom see each other any other time.

  3. Oh my goodness I forgot taxes again.. I keep putting them out of my head this year! Also I want a pink sweater made like your grandaughter's dress...its so cute!

    1. File an extension. That's what I do.

  4. Reminding ourselves to be thankful is one of the best things we can do in our lives. I enjoyed reading what you are thankful for.

    Happy A to Z'ing!

    A Poet's Kitchen
    Playing with Words

    1. Every weekend, I participate in the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. We'd love to have you join in!

  5. I don't know if this is a duplicate comment or not. You are very CRAFTY combining the two posts. Great idea. And your thankful list is wonderful. Funny about the surgery, I totally am at the receiving end of that stuff. Happy Easter.

    1. I've been having problems with comments not showing up; I don't know why. Aren't you CLEVER to suggest I'm crafty! Forgive the double negative, but I couldn't not participate in the TToT, so the posts will be combined this month. Happy Easter to you, too!

  6. Wow congratulations on the 'new' family :) how cool!
    Good luck and speedy recovery to your mom, what wonderful children you are to help take care of your mom. What a blessing.
    ADORABLE picture of the baby, what a doll. We love Famous Daves, yum!
    Happy Easter!

    1. If you knew my mom, you'd be wanting to come help her, too. She's an absolute angel. :-)

      Happy Easter to you, too!

  7. I have to agree that double-sided printing is pretty wow! Still amazes me!

  8. I love that Craftsman home! The colors, the porch, the elephant and giraffe on the porch, just everything!
    #1 is certainly my favorite thing on your list :) I'm glad your mom was able to reschedule her surgery easily. My mom scheduled an appointment that I needed to be at, too, on the morning of Emma's 16th birthday. In a city 150 miles away. Sigh. Luckily, I was with her at the doctor's office and was able to change it myself.
    Happy Easter, Kristi!

    1. My mom and I were driving all over looking for the perfect Craftsman to photograph. I certainly knew it when I saw it!
      I love #1, too.
      Happy Easter!

  9. Happy Easter, Cousin!

    Looks like your lunch was a lot of fun. Does your granddaughter know that elk usually walk around on legs? ;)

    What a great tradition to get together with your friends for a potluck lunch!

    Glad to hear the surgery schedule could be changed and that you all can be a part of helping her recover. I'll be praying for her.

    1. Happy Easter to you, too, cousin! Good question about elk--I don't know if my granddaughter knows they walk. :-) Thanks for the prayers--they are always appreciated.

  10. Congrats on another interesting blog and alphabet-session.
    I love how you always mension John in your 10 of thankful. My dayly dose of thankful is always for Henk. Thank the Lord for wonderful husbands. Have a good weekend.

    1. One of the talks today in the church's General Conference was about good husbands. They definitely are a blessing!

  11. Now that is a porch I would love to sit on!!!

    Relative finder sounds cool. I used for a while but didn't have enough info to keep going at it.

    1. If you would like help, either with ancestry, familysearch, or relative finder, I would be happy to help you. Who knows? You're probably another cousin! :-)

  12. I would absolutely love to have an elephant on my porch - a real one even. I'm glad things are going smoothly in regards to your mom's surgery. I hope that continues all the way through her recovery. She's lucky to have you for a caretaker. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.

    1. I have concrete lions on my front step, so I guess it's no wonder that I took a photo of that particular Craftsman!
      Happy Easter to you, too!

  13. Ohmygosh I want to live in that house!! And sit on that porch!! With YOU!! I love your list of thankfuls... and my favorite is your last one. "John. Always John." Oh, how I adore that you have such gratitude for him!! Precious.

    Happy Resurrection Day my beautiful friend!!

    1. Oh, I'd love to sit on that porch with you, too!
      I'm always thankful for John, but I did hold him a bit tighter this week after we learned that one of his college roommates had a heart attack and passed away suddenly. I imagine the message of Easter is particularly poignant this year for his widow and children.

  14. Thank you for the reminder(s) (especially about it being tax time!) I've put it off until the last minute. Again LOL
    I will say a prayer for your Mom. Hope her surgery goes will and she has a speedy recovery:)
    Cousins! Who would have thought?!

    1. Good luck with taxes. Hopefully you have plenty of Easter candy to get you through it. :-)
      Thanks for the prayers--always appreciated!
      Small world, isn't it?

  15. Happy Easter Kristi! Your week sounds like it was wonderful - especially that part where you had lunch with the grands!

    1. Oh, you know that lunch with the grands was definitely a highlight!

  16. If only I could convince my scale that the jelly beans were needed. :-)


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