Borrowing from a Harry Potter phrase, my husband has dubbed our living room, "the room of requirements." It has been devoid of furniture since we moved into the house 2-1/2 years ago, which makes it a perfect room for whatever. Impromptu boxing rink, indoor sleepover spot, Girl Scout meeting room, vegetable garden seed-starting place, you name it. With the exception of the organ, houseplants, and art, it is still empty. However, it is starting to take shape. We've picked out curtains and a paint color. John still insists it will continue to be "the room of requirements," but I think it might be disguised as a living room soon, in a Clark Kent/Superman sort of way. (Having grown up with a table saw parked in the living room, I so totally get multipurposed rooms!) On Saturday, we started painting. The color is Valspar's "Studio." We've painted just far enough to be able to hang the curtains (once we put the rods back up.) Anyway, I thou