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Ten Things of Thankful: Trick or Treat!

Trick-or-treat!  It's been a tricky sort of week for me, but we're heading into November--the month of Thanksgiving--so we'll focus on treats today.


1.  I'm thankful for honest people.  I was contacted this week by someone named Charity, who told me she had google-searched an image of a carpet stain from my blog.  She emailed me to ask permission to use it on her husband's carpet cleaning business facebook page.  I told her it would be fine to use, as long as it was used in such a way as to not imply that my carpet had been cleaned by Clean Choice Carpet (since it hadn't been.)  If you are ever in Knoxville, Tennessee, and need a carpet cleaner, I know of an honest company!  At the time I'm writing this, my stain isn't famous yet, but don't let that stop you from visiting the Clean Choice Carpet facebook page. 

(As another aside, I realized this week that I have posted at least one other photo of stained carpet on my blog.  I'm not sure what to think about that.)

2.  I'm thankful that I was under-the-weather a bit.  That sounds strange, but let me explain.  All week long, I have not been myself.  I felt a bit like Evelyn in the scene from the movie, Fried Green Tomatoes, where she complains to Ms. Threadgoode that she has been eating 10 chocolate bars a day.  Ms. Threadgoode tells her that she just needs to get herself some of "them hor-mones" and she'll feel better.  I was beginning to dread the change if it meant I could not trust myself to maintain composure.  Well, yesterday I felt physically ill.  Today, I am better--physically and emotionally.  I'm back on an even keel.  I'm blaming my weepy emotional state on the fact that I was unknowingly coming down with a bit of a bug.  No one needs to suggest otherwise, OK? :-)

3.  I know I mentioned sunsets in last week's post, but I didn't have this week's photos then, so I'm going to be thankful again for sunsets.  Here's an untouched look at Thursday's show:


4.  I'm thankful for multiple sets of reading glasses.  It is so nice to sit down and realize that my glasses are right next to me on the nightstand, or table, or piano.  

5.  I'm thankful for a mini-fridge.  John purchased one while we were waiting for the regular refrigerator to be repaired.  Well. . . it looks like we will be replacing the regular refrigerator sometime (before Thanksgiving, I'm voting).  In the meantime, it is so nice to have someplace to keep a gallon of milk fresh without having to replace ice blocks every day.  

6.  I'm thankful for the treadmill.  It's easy to keep a set pace when it is set for me.  I've done a few shorter runs this week, but to feel better about the shorter distance, I've run at a faster (for me) pace. 

7.  I'm thankful for the opportunity to re-use costumes from past races.  John and I will be Mickey and Minnie tonight at the church's trunk-or-treat activity.  It's nice to have a comfortable, easy-to-throw-together costume!  

We'll look like this, minus the running bibs and the sweat. 
8.  Speaking of trunk-or-treat, I'm thankful my granddaughters will be joining us.  Though they are a bit young, it will be fun to see their reactions to the (family-friendly) costumes in the church parking lot. 

9.  I'm thankful for the chance I have to teach Relief Society on Sunday.  The scheduled lesson is based upon a General Conference talk, "Grateful in Any Circumstances," by Dieter F. Uchtdorf.  The entire talk is great.  Here's a highlight:

Everyone’s situation is different, and the details of each life are unique. Nevertheless, I have learned that there is something that would take away the bitterness that may come into our lives. There is one thing we can do to make life sweeter, more joyful, even glorious.
We can be grateful!

It might sound contrary to the wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks to God. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding.

 So true!  I can't wait to lead a discussion about this talk.  (Teaching in the church is less about lecturing and more about encouraging class participation.)

10.  I'm thankful for John.  This week he was quick to point out that I'm normal.  When I was stressed out, he told me I had reason to be.  When I felt sick, he was quick to offer me Gatorade and fix grilled-cheese sandwiches.  

How was your week?  Tricks or treats?  What were you thankful for?

Ten Things 

of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. No way! I'm first. This has really be a great week. It's had it's low points, but I'm thankful it's Friday. We're moving into our new place this Thursday coming up! Those sunset photos are really really beautiful. Sunsets are my favorite photos actually. Your babies are so cute! I'm glad you are feeling better!

    1. You are indeed first! :-)
      Congratulations on your upcoming move. How nice that you'll be settled into your new place before the baby arrives.

  2. The photos of the sunset are amazing and your granddaughters are adorable.

    1. Thank you. I'm constantly amazed at the beautiful sunsets here in the desert.

  3. Love all the costumes and magnificent sunset pictures!

  4. Wonderful sunset pictures. How nice of that lady to ask for your permission to use the picture. I don't think many people would.
    Sometimes it's good to take a step back, listen to our body and rest. If you don't, your body will make shure you do any way. Just being pampered for a day or two is sometimes all you need. Hooray for wonderful husbands!!
    Hope you'll have a wonderful weekend.

    1. I was very impressed that she asked permission. How could I say no to someone who asked so nicely? :-)
      You are right about listening! All I needed was some rest, and now I'm good as new. This weekend, we get to turn our clocks back an hour, so that will be nice, too.

  5. Those sunset pics are beautiful! And I am grateful for honest people too, they added a rare breed!

    1. It's too bad that honesty seems so rare, but it is certainly refreshing!

  6. I had a better than normal week - a great friend helped keep me grounded during a stressful time. The sunset photos clearly show the wonder of God - they are gorgeous!

    1. Sorry you had a stressful time, but I'm glad you had a great friend to help you through. A better than normal week is wonderful!

  7. A great week, Kristi. Your grandchildren are adorable. About that emotional stuff that comes with THE CHANGE. Eat a lot of chocolate. It seems to help.

    1. Oh, I do appreciate your advice! You mean I don't have to feel guilty while downing the Halloween leftovers? :-)

  8. very nice (on the photos)... though I am a morning person, there is nothing like one of those sunsets (the glowing kind)

  9. When your spot goes viral I can say I knew her when.

    that sunset is amazing!

    1. Yep, that will be my claim to fame--I'll be the woman with the terrible carpet stain! :-)

  10. Can you sign my carpet????
    I'm glad your all out of sorts bits are all falling back into one piece. Nothing like feeling out of it and not knowing quite why.
    Those costumes are too cute. I think that the bumble bee one might be a touch small for me though. If I lost like 110

    1. Would you like that signature in dirt, nail polish, or plain-ole Sharpie? ;-)

  11. I remember that carpet stain! Poor Drexel!
    I have nothing to offer in the "change" department. All I can do is commiserate. IF that's what's happening, which it surely ISN'T!
    We have a pumpkin party, not halloween party, at preschool (which is a mission of our church) and tell the parents that costumes must be family friendly, going so far as to say no ghosts, witches, monsters, or anything scary or bloody. Still get a witch or a mummy or something every year. Still have parents who send vampire snacks or something else inappropriate for preschoolers AT A CHURCH. Your granddaughters look darling in their costumes!
    Our bathroom has a mini fridge in it. Came with the house. We thought it was weird at first, but we would perish without it!

    1. Oh, I'm completely explaining away any symptoms. It's HOT here in the desert, of course. Insomnia? Well, like I said, it's HOT here in the desert. Who can sleep in such heat? And I have every right to be irritable or crying. I mean, it was my birthday recently, and like the song says, I can cry if I want to, right? :-)

      A mini fridge in your bathroom?! We were thinking of moving our mini fridge to the game room once out kitchen has a working refrigerator again, but maybe we should put it in the master bathroom instead. I don't know. Still seems strange to me. Maybe you can do a TToT post to convince me the bathroom is the best placement. (We do have the strangest topics of conversation, I think. "This is my friend, Dyanne. We bonded over conversations about underwear and the merits of bathroom refrigerators. . .")

    2. Add this to our sharing list: pre-hemorrhoid surgery, I kept witch hazel pads in there....

  12. It sounds like you have A LOT to be thankful for. I am fairly new to the TToT group but I so love the idea and know it has so much value that I've decided to do a whole month of TToT on my FB page and to feature it on my blog. Thank you ALL for the inspiration. I am hoping to help contaminate the world with Thanksgiving!!!

    1. And may it be more contagious than Ebola! (Not to make light of that crisis, though--I have a friend whose son had been living in Liberia until just recently, and I know his heart aches for those living there.)

  13. Oh, those little trick or treaters are sweet enough I don't need any candy!

  14. I am so glad to hear you are getting over your bug! It was a crazy busy week for me volunteering at Amara's school -- but I loved every moment of it. I have so many things to be thankful for including being healthy enough to volunteer.

    1. Amara is lucky to have you so involved in her life!

  15. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your knee. Ouch!

    Most of the carpet in this house is old. We replaced carpet in three rooms when we moved in 5 years ago, but, had budget allowed, we really should have replaced all of it. My blog has graced photos of dirt-stained carpet when Drexel tipped over a potted plant, and photos of nail polish-stained carpet when a bottle spilled on the floor. Fortunately I have a good carpet cleaning machine, and I don't think we've contributed too many permanent stains.

    Wow, my photos made your Pinterest board? I'm honored! :-)

    John's a keeper. (So are the grandkids!)

  16. I love, love the sunset; my favorite time of the day ....oh my if i saw sunsets like that everyday i would whisper "thank you - great job" i sometimes do it now if i'm even aware of the sunset....but truly spectacular-

    your granddaughters are adorable

    hope you're feeling better


    1. I'm feeling better now--thanks.

      I agree; the handiwork of the creator of sunsets is absolutely stunning!

  17. So glad you are feeling better! You and Hubby and those precious kids all looked adorable in your costumes. I am not a religious gal, but the discussion you'll be leading at church sounds like a wonderful conversation. Have a fantastic week!

    1. I love the idea of gratitude as a characteristic, not just a list. While I fully support the TToT and its enumeration of thankfuls, I think that what results is underlying character development. Gratitude leads to other qualities. The talk I'm referencing today in church mentions Job. We usually associate him with patience, but if you read his account, he is constantly praising God=gratitude. That mindset allowed him to develop patience and other virtues. Sorry for my mini-sermon--hope that still falls into the "wonderful conversation" category for you. :-)

  18. We must certainly be at the same stage in life. I buy my reading glasses at Dollar Tree so I can have a pair everywhere -- and I constantly leave them behind places. Loved you as Minnie. I've never done a race at Disneyland but lots in WDW. Though I've never dressed up. I'm racing there in February, maybe this will be the year I come up with a costume? Fried Green Tomatoes is one of my all time favorites. And the weepies? I'm horrible if I haven't taken my hormones.

    1. Oh, if you run Disney runs, you need to try running in costume! It just adds to the festivities. :-) I'm glad at least one person could picture my Fried Green Tomatoes reference. I would have posted that clip from the movie, but I couldn't find it on youtube.

  19. Those sunset pictures are absolutely amazing! And I love the Batgirl costume :). Glad you are feeling better and that you apparently got on the treadmill quite a few times this week! - Louise

    1. Hopefully this coming week, I'll be able to get in some longer runs. :-)

  20. I love your photos Kristi! Spectacular. Love the orange of the sky:)

  21. Oh those babies are so sweet! I had never heard of Trunk or Treat until this week - and then I heard it about ten times over! I had no idea.
    All I can say about THE CHANGE is two words: Hot flashes. Ugh. Hate them. And my Mom just innocently says, "Wow they must be horrible. Wouldn't know - never had one." Thanks, Mom.
    Hooray for John running to your rescue! My Hub would do the same - only when I don't feel well he makes boxed mac and cheese - a throwback to the months of my pregnancy with Kidzilla where that was the only thing she would allow me to eat! Now it's my go-to nausea cure.
    Your sunsets are stunning, as always. We get some glorious ones here on top of our hill, but those are truly awesome!

  22. Your photographs are lovely! Your babies are so cute. And the hot flashes go on forever. I think that I am done and then on comes another wave...but it beats the alternative. Have a lovely week!

  23. Such precious, chubby babies! I hope it was a wonderful Halloween, and I hope you get a working, full-size fridge soon. Truly, the fridge saga has gone on too long!
    You take such beautiful pictures. That cactus with the colors behind!
    You cracked me up with your famous carpet stain.


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