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Ten Things of Thankful: One Moon, Two Moon, Red Moon, Blue Moon Edition

Sometimes, the events of a week don't occur exactly as planned.  This is not necessarily a bad thing, just a different thing.  In the case of my attempting to photograph the lunar eclipse, it lead to my blog title.  (With apologies to Dr. Suess!)

1.  I had every intention of watching the lunar eclipse this past week.  I even woke up at the right time and asked John if he wanted to see the eclipse.  He said yes, then we both closed our eyes and went back to sleep.  I awoke hours later, and rushed outside in time to catch the end of the event.  As I was snapping photos, I noticed an odd phenomenon--not only was I capturing images of the red moon, I was also capturing images of a blue moon.  At first, I tried to line up the blue moon and the red moon together in my viewfinder, but that was nearly impossible to do without a tripod (which I was too lazy to go get).  Then I realized I rather liked seeing two moons.  I'm sure real photographers could tell me what I did wrong--I read somewhere online something about needing to remove a filter, but I wasn't using a filter.  

I'm thankful for beautiful mistakes. 

2.  I agreed to start raising another guide dog puppy.  She's an older puppy, 9 months old.  I thought I would be getting her this coming week, but I got a phone call asking if I could take her earlier.  So, Willow arrived on Tuesday morning.  She's a fabulous worker, and is settling in to the routines of our household. 

I'm thankful for sweet Willow, even if I don't understand her idea of comfort.

3 and 4.   My runs have been shorter and not as frequent as they were a few months ago.  In fact, I don't even know if I've run 6 miles at a stretch since the Disneyland run over Labor Day weekend.  However, this week I got three runs in, and one of them was 5K.   

I'm thankful for the ability to run.  I'm also thankful for my own personal trainer, Drexel, who supervises all my treadmill time and keeps a close eye on me when I'm stretching.  

My view from the floor.
5, 6, 7.   Unless I turn out to be like Grandma Moses,  I am not particularly talented with a paintbrush.  (True story:  in junior high, I took shop class instead of the other elective--art--because I was convinced that art would ruin my G.P.A.)  I've always enjoyed taking photos, though, and thanks to photo-editing programs and without the fear of a bad grade, I can now indulge my artistic side.

I'm thankful for picmonkey.comI'm thankful for John's indulgence this summer when I asked him to pull over so I could get this photo.  I'm thankful for reminders like this from a prophet of God. 

8.  Tonight (Friday), John and I, along with youngest daughter and everyone else in the nearly sold-out theater, watched the movie, Meet the Mormons.  Willow slept quietly at my feet during the entire show; I really love Willow's work ethic!  On the ride home, we discussed the movie.  It reminded our daughter of a quote she heard years ago:  "The future is as bright as your faith." Her conclusion?  Faith it up.

I'm thankful for the joy and peace that comes through faith.

9.  In the past, if I were asked to name the season of baby animals, I would have said spring.  However, I am now rethinking that answer.  After years of only seeing one rabbit in our backyard, I know for a certainty that we have more than one.  The other day, I counted three in the backyard, and one in the front.  I recognize intellectually that at some point we will reach critical mass, but I'm counting on Mother Nature, in the form of owls and hawks--coyotes, too, if they stay out of my backyard--to keep the population under control.  Right now I am just enjoying the cute factor.  I don't have a photo of multiple bunnies, so you'll just have to enjoy a rerun. 

I'm thankful for wildlife.

10.  This week I've taken on a new role:  juror.  (Of course, I can't say anything about the case now.)  As a homemaker, I keep a very flexible schedule and wear jeans most days.  This week, I've taken altogether too much time trying to figure out the "business casual" dress code.  I've panicked a bit wondering if I remembered my reporting time correctly.  I've even dreamed that I was in the courtroom and not wearing my juror badge!  

I'm thankful for John, who only chuckles in amusement at the piles of clothes that collect during my daily dilemma of "business casual." He assures me that I'm dressed appropriately and that I'll do fine.

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What are you thankful for this week? 
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I'm thankful for the not terrible, just unexpected things of life.

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of Thankful

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  1. Beautiful song what a great list running, good dogs, the moon(s) shot was really nice,we did not get to see it here, it was raining ... I have not worn a true business casual code in a long my office it is very casual; but at least you were able find something... :)

    1. The song was used at the very end of Meet the Mormons, and is actually available as a free download at

  2. ok, I have to come back cuz I have to go to work but #1 ! I am so jealous... really happy mistake ... my friend who is an astronomer and I were speaking about that before the eclipse and I couldnt see it here but that was some sort of phenomenon that only happens every kabillion years...not a photo feaux pa! I will look up the name and return! HOW COOL ARE YOU?

    1. I had heard something about being able to see blue in the moon due to the ozone layer, but I haven't stumbled across a good two moon explanation, so I look forward to your answer. Thanks!

    2. Im gonna have to look further because I cant find the exact article ...the second was some sort of reflective thing... argh! anyway it has to do with syzygy which is a rare event in which the sun as it rises and moon as it sets can be seen in the sky at the same time... but only for a few minutes of a window... I will keep trying... now off to read the rest of your entry!

    3. Willow! Drexel! What a beautiful pair... How long will you train Willow?

      My sister was late for jury duty on the second day of a trial. She got a flat on the way... they held her in contempt and she had to pay a hefty fine! She even called to tell them she was stuck on the road!

    4. I'll have Willow probably for about 6 more months. Dogs usually go back for formal training at around 15 or 16 months old, give or take a month or two.

      Great. . . now I'll start dreaming of flat tires! That hardly seems fair that your sister was held in contempt when she called to alert them of her predicament.

    5. You know I thought after I pressed send how stupid it was to relate that story... sorry.... :(

    6. No worries. I seriously doubt I will dream about flat tires. :-)

  3. I have yet to catch the blood moon! Saw it in orange. Will look out again tonight!!

    1. It is my understanding that the red color was due to the eclipse, so you might have to wait a while. . .

  4. I love reading about the guide dogs and I think it's so cool that you help train them. I don't know how you are able to part with them at the end of their training - I'd love to read about that sometime. I've never had to be on a jury yet, but I have a heap of business casual on my bed just about every day when I get ready for work! The thing that helps is picking out an outfit, right down to the accessories the night before.

    1. Good advice!
      As far as saying goodbye, it is not easy. The best analogy I have come up with, though, is that it is more like sending a child off to college than attending a funeral. I know when I receive a puppy that it really isn't mine, and my head just has to keep telling my heart that when the puppy returns to the Guide Dog campus for formal training. Puppy raisers are kept informed of their puppy's progress through the program, and are invited to the campus when the puppy and new partner graduate. Many raisers stay in touch with the person that is matched to the puppy.

  5. What a great list though! I would be interested in knowing what went wrong with the moon pictures but it also is pretty amazing. I love the bunnies!

  6. Your thankful posts often prompt me to reflect on my own Thankfuls for which I am grateful.

    Love the moon photo.

    1. Although giving thanks has always been part of my blog, I must admit that knowing that I will be writing a big thankful post each week helps me remember during the week to be grateful.

  7. We missed the eclipse here this week, despite all good intentions to view it.
    All of your photos are stunning - great moments and great shots!

    1. If only the eclipse would have started at about 7 p.m., right? :-)

  8. Your photo of the moons is awesome! I was so disappointed to have missed the eclipse but the moon was especially beautiful this week, even when it was wreaking havoc! Willow is so pretty. I have a soft spot for labs. I think it's wonderful that you raise guide dogs. I would have a difficult time giving them up. I had to laugh at the idea of you getting worked up about jury duty. Your dream sounds a little like the ones I used to have about forgetting my school locker combination!

    1. OK, you are going to laugh now: In the dream where I discovered I wasn't wearing my juror badge, I also was very upset because by serving jury duty, I was missing a school class, and I would not be prepared for an exam! In real life, I received my B.A. degree 25 years ago, and I'm still having school nightmares! I don't want to know what that says about me. :-)

  9. Jury duty! Oh my! I hope it's short and not a painful decision. This is a lovely list, and I like your road photo.

  10. Excellent doggie, this Willow I am envious, if I am correct from reading that you were able to take Willow to the movies? (We have never really 'trained' our dogs, just come to an understanding of our mutual duties and responsibilities lol)
    have done the jury thing a couple of times, find the special language and ritual of the courtroom to be very interesting.

    1. Yes, Willow accompanies us practically everywhere. It's all part of her training. The puppies need to be able to be unfazed in any situation. Willow is an exceptional worker.

  11. My fear of art class was quite ridiculous! :-)

  12. I forgot about the eclipse and didn't see it. Oh, well, I guess I can try again in April.
    Jury duty is a fascinating experience, and I hope I never get called again. I was contacted by the national media after the jury trial I was on (I declined to speak to them). Hope it goes well for you.
    Love Willow and Drexel. Is Drexel jealous about her getting to go everywhere with you as part of her training?

    1. Oh, my. It sounds like you heard quite the case!

      I think Drexel does have a little bit of a case of "That's not fair!" but he also doesn't particularly like wearing a Gentle Leader, which Willow (and Drexel, for that matter) always wears when she accompanies me anywhere. So Drexel gets to hang out and play at home, while Willow has to wear the stupid collar in order to leave. Drexel also has free reign of the house, while Willow has to be with us all the time, or on tie-down or crated. As she learns better house manners, she'll have more freedom, but for now, Drexel definitely gets the better end of that stick.

    2. Well, I'm glad to hear Drexel isn't feeling slighted! He's probably snickering a bit when Willow has to put on the collar!

  13. Kristi! #1 or #2? I love that you are training Willow. And admire your ability to do so. I would become so attached! Look at her sweet face. Like Sandy, I too have a soft spot for labs. They are the only dogs we ever had. Black labs rule! lol
    The moon pic is awesome. I missed the event:( Glad you were able to document your serendipitous discovery - 2 moons!
    3 runs and a 5k? Sounds pretty good to me. You surely are staying fit and I can think of no better trainer than your Drexel:)

    1. Labs are all-around great dogs. The first dog John and I had was a newfoundland/lab mix. Besides Drexel, we've also had a samoyed, a basset hound mix, and a basset hound. Each of them had a distinct personality.

      One of the 3 runs was 5K. I'm not sure about the staying fit comment, but I'm certainly trying to become fit!

  14. Kristi, that eclipse photo is amazing. PicMonkey is my choice for editing, too. I never seem to be able to capture nighttime photos. Home Economics was the elective in HS I chose not to take - go figure.

    1. My method is to shoot tons, hope that something comes out recognizable, and then edit as needed! :-)

  15. Well, I'm glad you got to see the end of the eclipse at least. The two of you must have been TIRED for you both to fall back to sleep. :)

    Great photo of the road. Hope John didn't make fun of you for it. My family always makes fun of me.

    Good for you, getting your running in this week.

    1. I kind of wonder if John was truly awake when I asked him if he wanted to get up. I told myself I'd get up when he did, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up again.

      I took the photo of the road during our empty nest weeks this summer. We were feeling so free, I don't think it crossed John's mind to make fun of me for asking him to stop the car so I could stay in the middle of the road to take a photo.

  16. Drexel and I have the same chin and jowl features....only Drexel wears them better!
    ~May @ Achieving Clarity

  17. I love your photo of the blue moon! Nothing is ever wrong in art! Hope you have a great week.

    1. Thanks. I've become much more willing to try new things as an adult--maybe one of these days I should even take an art class! :-)

  18. Yay! Picmonkey is great. At least you got that awesome picture of the blood moon. :) I saw the one that happened earlier this year and I would have loved to see this one. I think me and hubby happened to be awake when it was out there but I completely forgot to look and fell asleep.

    1. If only we could schedule eclipses for times when we were awake, right? :-)

  19. Your eclipse picture is great. I saw a few minutes of the beginning and the end of it. I was inside the gym for the middle part! How wonderful that you train guide dogs. I know your work is helping so many people. Your daughter is a smart one. I like her idea of 'faith it up'. Here's to another great week.

  20. I love that you were able to see good in things that didn't go the way you wanted them too. There is always a silver lining in new paths :)
    I've never seen a blue moon before. I had to chuckle when you said that you closed your eyes with your husband. Totally something that we would do. Miss the whole thing.
    We have a crazy amount of bunnies running around and I live on the outskirts of the city. They took a bunch of land and turned it into a freeway...they don't have anywere to go...poor babes

  21. The need for sleep is a powerful force! :-)

  22. So excited for you that you caught the eclipse, even with a snafu! We missed it and I was so sad. Looked amazing!


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