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Friday Family History: Cats

Oldest daughter has always loved cats.  She and her older brother would play "Cats and Legos" when they were younger, she would sleep with a stuffed kitty every night, and the first pet of her own was a calico named Crystal. 

She picked pet-friendly housing when she was at college, and bought a very unique cat, Lady Godiva.  Godiva loved people, though her appearance belied her cuddly nature.

Photo courtesy my daughter-in-law (who was also my daughter's roommate before marrying my son)
Unfortunately, a couple of weeks ago, Godiva suddenly threw a blood clot.  At the recommendation of the vet, oldest daughter made the difficult yet correct decision to have Godiva put down.  

Sphynx cats are a bit of a rarity, but a few days ago, my daughter found one listed online at a nearby animal shelter.  It will be available for adoption tomorrow, and oldest daughter has plans to be the first in line when the shelter opens.  I suspect she may just come home with a cat; I'm not sure how many people are in the market for a hairless cat, let alone a one-eyed hairless cat, as this one at the shelter is.  However, you can't judge a book by its cover, and if this cat has half the personality of Godiva, it will be a wonderful addition for oldest daughter.

Though I generally find kittens cute, I've always been a dog person.  My dad doesn't particularly like cats, but my mom has fond memories of cats from her childhood.  My dad's dad, though, for as far back as I can remember, always had a cat.  

 I don't remember much about this particular cat, but I do remember that Grandpa taught his last cat to fetch a small ball.  It was amazing to watch a cat scamper down the hallway, only to return with a ball in its mouth.  It would drop it in Grandpa's lap, and Grandpa would throw it again. 

Do you have pets in your family history?

Thanks for pets.

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  1. I love cats, but sadly, I am now allergic to them. Through the years, I've had many pets - mostly cats and dogs. Now, there are no pets in my life.

  2. We have lots of cats and dogs in our family history but Dino is my favorite story. Dino was born to Fred and Wilma (my daughter was 10 at the time!) and Wilma was too young and all of the kittens except Dino were still born. Dino survived but was handicapped. The knee joints on both back legs was fused so his back legs were perfectly straight and he walked on his back tip toes. At birth the Vet recommended either putting him down as he probably wouldn't live long or spending $6000 on a surgery that "might" fix his legs. Dino lived to be 17 and NEVER knew he was handicapped. He couldn't jump but he pulled himself up on everything and was very strong. We miss you Dino.

  3. My first pet was a calico cat named "Cali". My Mom got her for me when I was about 4 or 5yrs old when she was pregnant with my little brother. She thought it was be a nice idea to give me something I can take care of since all the attention was going to the newest member of the family (my baby brother).

  4. Godiva was a lovely cat! So unique. I hope she gets what she wants!

  5. Good luck to your daughter -- that is a wonderful thing she is doing! We have had cats for a number of years, but only one at a time. Our current cat was secured through the Humane Society, as a very young kitten (less than 5 weeks), and she is absolutely the best little addition to our family. She is a wonderfully sweet and loveable little companion.

  6. Don't need to tell YOU I love, adore, live and breath CAT.
    How this love came to be is quite the mistery though, because I grew up among dogs, lots of dogs. Working dogs (for hunting)like German Sheperds for my dad en all kinds of sizes and breeds in our family and surroudings. Never cats. Never had a friend who had cats at home or anything....
    Yet, when I moved out my parents house to live with my (ex)boyfriend, the first thing I did was go to a shelter and get a big red beautiful furry friend. And I never lived without cats since...... I like dogs, very much, but wouldn't want one in my house. Maybe when we'll move to a house with more space around it, but even then wouldn't know for sure.....

  7. I would take the one eyed hairless cat, in fact I would prefer the hairless quality, that's been our problem the last 30 years- hair everywhere and it was bothering my husband's migraines. I might be able to have one of these inside. We take on all the strays and have a list of those that have come and "gone" . We just recently lost our oldest cat. I hope she gets her new one eyed baby and that it's temperament is gentle. It would be a very lucky cat. Very sorry to hear about Godiva.


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