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Ten Things of Thankful: Time in a Bottle Edition

Photo: Curly-haired granddaughter, wearing bunny ears and with back to the camera, looks out the window
Last weekend was a whirlwind of fun, as one daughter brought her family over for Easter, another daughter joined us, and John's parents also came for the afternoon. 

Photo: My grandchildren. The big girls sit in the middle, holding their baby sister. The brothers sit on opposite ends of the couch. The girls are wearing pink and blue floral dresses, and the boys wear grey pants and vests and blue shirts. 

Also on Easter, youngest son celebrated a birthday.

John and I also celebrated our anniversary this week: 32 years.

Photo: John and I pose for a selfie in front of the Mt. Timpanogos Temple
There's something about birthdays, anniversaries, and family gatherings that make me reflect back on what was, and forward to what will be. (Maybe not in the moment, but in a quiet time after everyone has gone home.) 

Photo: Youngest grandson sleeps on the couch while sitting up, middle granddaughter is also asleep, but takes up most of the couch and rests her head on the armrest. (John and I were as exhausted when the weekend was over! 😄)

John and I have been married longer than many adults have been alive. I know the numbers add up; after all, our children are all adults now, but it's still a bit strange. 

We delight in the company of our five grandchildren, and think back to when our five children were young. Those were some busy years! Just as our children grew up, I know that before I know it, my grandchildren will be adults, too. I savor the sweet memories and the memories-in-the-making.

Photo: A drawing my middle granddaughter made in church on Sunday. I've edited out names and ages (!), but she stands on the left of the drawing, then me (both with our "wobbly" hair), then her brother (with almost "no hair") Each of us holds a flower, and the clouds are in the sky overhead.

This week also marked ten years since my grandma on my dad's side passed away. I can still hear her voice, and it makes me smile. 

Photo: My grandma, wearing sunglasses and a white shirt with red and pink flowers, laughs as she poses for the camera with my youngest son (who wears his red hair in long soft curls). She was so delighted when he was born to hear he had red hair!

(Though I usually do a very traditional #1-10 Ten Things of Thankful post, as my thoughts this week have not been very linear, I decided to take a different approach. Believe me, there are WAY more than ten things!)

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  1. So many thankfuls in your life in the beingist of beings! Love it!

  2. Ah, these are the days, aren't they!

  3. Love photo #4... to be able to sleep sitting up (without being crippled for a week upon
    As always great photos (and most excellent caption/descriptions)

    1. It is amazing that kids can sleep like that without having a sore neck!

  4. Your grandkids are so stinkin' cute! Love the picture of the two crashed on the couch! Happy anniversary to you and John! And happy birthday to your son - ginger boys are the bomb!

  5. That bunny ears photo is so cute, but I enjoyed seeing all your photos. It looks like someone got a summer haircut too.

    Hope you have recovered from your whirlwind of activity which are all so much about making memories, and are revitalized and ready for whatever the week brings you.

    1. Yes, I think I've recovered from all that fun, and I'm looking forward to whatever lies ahead!


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