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Ten Things of Thankful: What My Grandchildren Remember

Parents and grandparents have hopes of what kind of legacy they will leave their posterity--not so much in a physical sense, but more in a values and traits sort of sense.  I'm no different.  Today, I had the chance to spend most of the day with my grandchildren, and we enjoyed the time together.

1.  I want my grandchildren to enjoy dogs.  I'm thankful they do love Drexel.  (They haven't spent much time with Deedee, but I'm sure they would love her, too.)  Today, youngest granddaughter wanted to go see, "Grandpa. . . no. . . Grandma. . . no. . . Drexel!" That's the pecking order around here, so I guess I succeeded in passing along a love of dogs--though I definitely rank John higher!

Photo:  Drexel and youngest granddaughter gaze at each other
2.  I want my grandchildren to enjoy the outdoors.  Though they weren't here at sunrise, we did visit a park later in the morning, and the girls enjoyed the playground equipment.  I'm thankful we share a love of the outdoors.

Photo:  Beautiful pink and white clouds in a blue sky above the California Aquaduct at sunrise--as seen on my run this morning
Photo:  John pushes our granddaughters on the swings at the park
3.  I want the grandchildren to enjoy music.  Today I put on an Irish Rovers CD and we had fun clapping and singing to the music.  I was impressed with how well they could clap the rhythm.  The piano is always available for little hands to play, too, and my oldest granddaughter always spends some time playing on the piano when she visits.  I'm thankful we share a love of music.

4.  I want my grandchildren to have a love of reading.  We always bring out books when they come over.  The first book requested is, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?  As soon as we finish that one, the request demand is, "One more time!"  We read it again.  Immediately, "One more time!"  There's nothing wrong with reading favorites more than once.  I'm thankful they love books.  

5.  I want my grandchildren to laugh often.  Apparently, my grandson finds my selfie skills humorous!  I'm thankful for happy grandchildren.

Photo:  Grandson and I laugh for the camera
6.  I want my grandchildren to enjoy a good imagination.  While they were here, the girls flew on fairy wings, built castles, rode horses, and played house.  I'm thankful their imaginations are active.

Photo:  The granddaughters show John their fairy wings
Photo:  Oldest granddaughter builds a castle with colorful giant Lego-type blocks

7.  I want my grandchildren to appreciate a variety of fruits and vegetables.  We picked up the produce box today, and I was able to have them smell fresh oregano and dill.  We ate oranges and sampled radishes and cauliflower.  (We later made chocolate chip cookies, and those seemed to be a hit, too.)  I'm thankful we can share good food together.

8.  I want my grandchildren to experience the power of prayer.  We always bless the food before each meal.  I'm thankful they can join us in that family tradition.

9.  I want my grandchildren to remember encouraging words from me.  So far, though, the line that got repeated over and over and over (and over!) today was. . . "Don't be scared of chickens." Yes, I will forever be known as the author of that most-helpful command, "Don't be scared of chickens."  I'm thankful that my grandchildren listen to me.  

10.  I want my grandchildren to know that I love their grandpa.  I'm thankful for John.  He's a great husband, a fantastic dad, and a wonderful grandpa.  

What are you thankful for this week?  Have you ever said something in passing that became seared into the memory of your children or grandchildren?  Are you scared of chickens?  

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Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. This was truly a beautiful post.
    Love the pictures. Time with grandchildren is the most important thing. All these things you want for them are what make you their favourite person, or one of I am sure. I know not what having kids or grandchildren is like, but I do know what my grandparents meant to me and still do, forever will.
    Love those games and stories. I remember the bear one from my childhood. Reeating a story again and again helps with their memorizzational skills for future life.
    Oh, and I am a little afraid of chickens.

    1. Thank you. If I can be the kind of grandparents my grandparents were to me, I'll be happy. :-)

  2. While I am Not Afraid of chickens, I am well known for having said the famous words "prunes are just big raisins so please eat them!"

    1. Isn't it funny how some lines become memorable? :-)

  3. While I am Not Afraid of chickens, I am well known for having said the famous words "prunes are just big raisins so please eat them!"

  4. Kristi, this is a beautiful post and sharing love and life with your grandchildren is inspiring and heartwarming. I for one am patiently (or not so patiently) waiting for grandchild #1 to be conceived. I can't wait to share love and laughter with them.

  5. This is by far one of my favorites of your Thankful posts - well done.

  6. Holy smokes! Look at the size contrast between Drexel and your grandaughter lol He looks giant! I think it's marvelous you want your grandchildren to love dogs as much as you and John. Growing up, my family always had German Shepards. There are pictures of me as a baby in the carriage in our front yard, Nema sitting guard :D Canines are most wonderful creatures.
    I love this post Kristi. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Yours are filled with that, many times over :)

    1. Drexel is a big boy--78 pounds--but he's a gentle giant.
      Thank you for your kind words! :-)

  7. I remember being a little girl and helping my aunt gather eggs -- nope, not afraid of chickens! One of the things I am always most grateful for is Grampy and how much he loves Amara. It is such fun to look back and "remember when Amara used to..." I do love all the things you want for your grandchildren!

    1. I appreciate your posts about the fun you have with Amara. You are a great example of how to be a good grandma! :-)

  8. Lovely post. Each picture speaks a thousand words. You are one wealthy woman and they are some very blessed children.

  9. so beautiful and expressed so well - yes i'm on board this are wonderful things to wish or hope for your family members - but also important they are priceless thankfuls :)

  10. Knowing you via your blog, I have little doubt they will learn this and more. Oh, how many times have I read Brown Bear?

    1. And what do you see? :-) Hope you had a great birthday!

  11. while not 'scared of chickens' per se lol, consider what a chicken would be to a child, not yet three feet tall! prehistoric dinosaurs would not have anything on a chicken!
    but, it's not the size that makes things scary, of course, one look at the first photo bears witness to that… dogs are great

    1. I just read your comment to John, and he appreciates the confirmation of what he has been saying for years about how terrifying giant chickens would be! It must be a guy thing. . . lol

  12. Your posts are always lovely, and this one especially so. I think you've got some lucky grandkids to have you and John as grandparents. Love that bald head on your grandson!

    1. Thank you. You know, I hadn't thought about the fact he has very little hair--his sisters have so much, I would have expected him to have a full head, too!

  13. Lovely post. My kids aren't old enough to have something seared into their brain (other than "Because I said so").
    However, my OWN grandfather used to tell us "There's not such thing as being bored, only boring people" should anyone complain about being bored...

    1. And then did your grandfather suggest chores that needed attention? :-)

  14. You're right about clapping, and I think that law is universal. I don't own any Dubliners CDs, but I know I've heard of them. I'll have to go listen.

    MegaBloks--that's the word I was looking for! :-)


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