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Ten Things of Thankful: Week of No Vacation

Unlike the past couple of weeks, I did not travel anyplace this week.  No Oregon, no San Francisco, not even Disneyland. However, do not mistakenly think that I enjoyed a lazy week.  Au contraire.  My week was full, but not with tasks that would really interest readers--unless balancing the checkbook, doing laundry, and other similar jobs sound like fun to you.  However, I'm still as thankful as ever. That's the thing about thankfulness:  it's not dependent upon vacations or any other thing.  It's an attitude that makes life better, no matter what that life looks like.
This week, I'm thankful:

1.  Oldest daughter is OK.  She was in a car accident (not her fault) at the end of April which compressed her spine, and has been in physical therapy since then.  She was making progress, and was nearing the end of her sessions. This past week, as she was a passenger in a car, the car was T-boned.  Fortunately, the collision was not at a high rate of speed, but physical therapy has been extended.  

2.  Lizzi's no-sugar challenge.  I started after Memorial Day, went one day without sugar, had a couple of brownies, but have remained sugar-free since that time.  I'm not being crazy about the challenge (not worried about sugars in condiments, for example), but I've cut out desserts, etc.  I don't think my diet was horrible to begin with, but it feels good to eat in a more healthy manner.

3.  Clark's running challenge.  Being accountable to posting a time of a 2-mile run 6 days a week makes it harder to justify avoiding the treadmill.  My next Disney 10K is over Labor Day weekend; this challenge should help me increase my speed.  Each day, I've been bumping up the speed one click on the treadmill.  Eventually I will reach a point where I can't run any faster, but in the meantime, it's fun to think, "At this rate of improvement. . . "

4.  Ivy's Six Sentence Stories and Kristi's Finish the Sentence Fridays.  I have noticed these blog hops in the past, but have just recently joined in.  It's kind of nice to have the structure of a writing prompt.  

5.  Granddaughters who adore me.  Is it wrong to feel a bit delighted when they cry when I leave?  

6.  Charles Schultz' truth:  "Happiness is a Warm Puppy."  I've been puppysitting Yam again this week.  She has grown a lot since the last time she was here!

7.  Bitty baby bunnies.  So, so cute!

8.  Playing games with the family.  John bought Mah Jong when we were in San Francisco on Memorial Day, and since we have two kids home this summer, we have the required number of players. John even printed up charts for us, so we can understand what number or symbol is represented by the Chinese characters.  

Besides Mah Jong, we've also enjoyed playing Agricola together. That game always ends too soon for me; I'm just getting into the groove, then it's over!

9.  A church family that is willing to step in and help.  There have been a number of needs in our congregation this week, and it's nice to see people volunteering and willing to accept assignments.  

10.  John.  We've both had busy weeks individually, but we always make time for each other.  It's nice to know that we can set aside the demands of the world and enjoy time together.  

What are you thankful for this week?  Feel free to jump in and join our hop!

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Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. No sugar challenge? I wonder how long the challenge is supposed to be...

    The baby bunny is cute. :-)

  2. I couldn't do the no-sugar thing, although I try every day to have a minimum of it in my diet. Dessert only on special occasions. My mom used to play Mah Jong with friends every week for years. I enjoyed sitting on a game or two as an older teenager. One bam, three crack, and the winds. The tiles are so pretty. Those after the vacation weeks are the busiest. Take care, Kristi.

    1. The tiles are pretty, aren't they?
      No sugar is hard the first day or two, then gets much easier. It's almost easier for me to avoid sugar altogether than try to eat it in moderation. That said, I will have pie at Thanksgiving! :-)

  3. itty bitty bunnies and puppies... sounds like a charles shultz book! Ive been watching you and Clark progress... fun challenge.... thanks for linking up with six sentence stories... Its been fun!

    1. True, although Drexel doesn't chase the bunnies. I've enjoyed the challenges--both physical and blogging!

    2. … and I was kinda seeing Natures 2-man footrace…. lol
      how much more instinctual cues can those rabbits act!! all they'd need to do is run towards the dog in questions and it would be entirely different

  4. I don't think it's wrong at all to feel a bit delighted that your granddaughters cry when you leave. In fact, I think it's a true display of love and affection ... and a great compliment to you that they adore you so much that they don't want you to leave. I don't blame you for secretly loving it. I would, too. It's so extremely sweet! :)

  5. Seems the bunnies are out in number. We have seen quite a few the past two weeks too. SO adorable! Love the puppy picture!

    1. We did have to put a fence around the garden, but it was a small price to pay for such adorableness!

  6. Ok so I totally missed out on Lizzi's no sugar challenge! Glad to read that your daughter is okay!! Also I love that your granddaughters cry because they want to spend more time with you!! :)

  7. I could never go no sugar, kudos to you all!
    That bunnie is adorable! We had a family make a nest in our grass a couple of years ago. My husband was so distraught when they moved on.

    1. Years ago, we also had a wild desert tortoise in our yard. I don't know what happened to him, and I'm sad he is gone.

  8. I like Settlers of Catan, too. Agricola can be played with fewer players, though, which works well for us now that most of the kids are gone most of the year. I've never heard of Snake Oil. Is is similar to Settlers and Agricola?

    Thanks for the challenge. Even though you aren't asking for an accounting, just knowing that I agreed to participate helps keep me sugar-free.

  9. we get (a) rabbit every few years in the yard. Cute, but a bit of a pain in the neck in that Phyllis or I have to go out first (and make a lot of noise) just in case it's 'eat at the Farley's time'…. there are various rabbit-sized openings in the fence… but, not to be unkind, they (rabbits) are not exactly animal-Mensa candidates

    1. So, do you protect the garden from the bunny, or the bunny from the dog?

  10. I don't think it's wrong at all to be a little bit delighted that your granddaughters love you so much. My boys used to fuss when it was time to leave Gramma's or for Gramma to leave and they are still very close to my parents.

    1. I hope the girls always feel close to me, too.

  11. Your poor daughter dealing with two accidents physical therapy is no fun!!
    My nightmare is to be in a car accident.. I have anxiety when I am not driving..
    something I pray about....

    1. She's so resilient, but I still feel badly for her.

  12. Two accidents -- That is my nightmare. I have back problems and have had multiple procedures to get to where I am today (which is not all that great). A car accident would just be devastating. I'm glad that therapy was extended for her.
    I don't think that I could go without sugar. Nope. No way. That's my life force :)

    1. She was very disappointed at the first accident, because she was just getting more skilled at aerial silks. She's had to give up her silks class as she heals. Hopefully she'll be able to climb back up soon.

  13. I, too, am glad your daughter is doing well. Another accident!
    That's some running challenge! I run once a week (very, very slowly), but that's just about the only time I can find for it! Small children, I guess.

    1. You can still join us! You don't have to run every day, and you don't even have to run--walking is fine. Can't you hear us all cheering for you now? Sa-rah! Sa-rah! Sa-rah!

  14. Glad your daughter is OK - definitely something worthy of thankfulness.
    I think things like balancing the checkbook (not my job, though - Hub's) and clean laundry, etc. are absolutely grand things. I love when the house and the people in it are in order.
    I've also enjoyed jumping in on the various prompts and link-ups lately. It's a fun challenge and has been helping me stretch my writing muscles in different directions.
    Speaking of muscles, I've been toying with Clark's 2-mile challenge thing. I won't run - not good for my body - but I do walk. We'll see.
    I did not do the sugar thing because I don't eat enough of it regularly for that to make a difference. Never had a sweet tooth and I don't often go there. With Zilla's food sensitivities, we make so much of our stuff homemade that the added sugar issue is absent as well. That kind of made me feel good - knowing we don't actually have much in our diet to begin with. *fist pump*
    I would love to pick up an actual mah jong set (as opposed to computer solitaire) but I don't know that we have enough players around for that. Hm. What is Agricola?
    A week full of happiness here, for sure.

    1. Oh, I crave order and organization, too. I always sleep better when things are under control.
      You should join the 2-mile challenge. Adapt as needed, and join in the fun!
      Good for you for good eating habits. I cook from scratch most of the time, too, but do have a sweet tooth. We fed the church missionaries the other night, and I made a homemade berry crisp (served a la mode) for dessert, but I remembered the challenge and didn't even have a bite!
      Mah jong requires 4 players. Agricola is similar to Settlers of Catan. Each player has land and needs to build/improve a home, plow/sow fields, and raise animals. It's a lot of fun.

  15. We have more rabbits this year than we've ever had before. I'm guessing it has something to do with the ages of our dogs. :)

    You have been doing a great job with the 2 mile challenge. I just can't stand distance running. It bores me to tears. I was happy to know I can run 2 miles, but I don't see it happening very often. And as for the no-sugar challenge, I hate no sugar more than I hate distance running. :D

    My niece and nephew cry every time they have to leave my house. I feel awful that they are crying, but secretly, I'm glad that they like it here so much.

    Your poor daughter!! I'm glad there haven't been any major injuries, but goodness, will she be getting in a car again anytime soon?

    1. I understand the boredom factor. I run inside on a treadmill, ceiling fans on, swamp cooler on, TV on, and even then the commercials just about kill me. OR I run outside for color runs or at Disneyland. Disney runs have music, character meet-and-greets, and lots of distractions. Color runs have stations where people throw colored corn starch on you. Fun, right?

      I've told my daughter to please remove any magnets, because this is getting ridiculous!

  16. If I was your daughter I might be considering public transportation! The 2nd accident must have been awful. I'm very glad no one was hurt badly but how unfortunate (and fortunate) your daughter's therapy has been extended.

    I'm pretty mindful of my sugar intake but I couldn't do without it completely - need it in my morning coffee!

    It must be nice having a puppy back in the house but Yam isn't looking so much a puppy anymore:)

    1. My daughter did say that for a moment, she thought she was going to die. We are all glad she didn't.
      Yam is 8 months old, but you're right--she's past the fluffy puppy stage!

  17. Hi, I will pray for your daughter and hope she continues to recover. I will have to read up on the challenges. I am trying to cut out sugar too. :)

  18. Your weeks are always full to the brim with activities! I hope like crazy that your daughter did not suffer any big setbacks with her overall recovery. I tried the sugar challenge...3 days. hahaha

  19. No sugar? I really don't know if I could do that 2 days in a row and I mean no sugar the same way you do. If I didn't have at least one square of Dove Dark in the evening my evening would not be complete! Glad you have had a nice week!


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