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Scattered Thoughts from My Scattered Mind

Some days just don't seem conducive to blog posts.  It seems that lately I've been working on several projects, but none of them are ready for photo shoots.  Here's what I've been doing/thinking lately:

I painted more in the guest/craft room today.  John and I have a system that works great for us.  I like painting the broad, easy surfaces, and he enjoys the detail work.  Tonight, we finished the painting.  Over the next few days, hopefully I'll get the furniture organized and the room decorated a bit.

I found a bed at a garage sale that looks great in youngest daughter's bedroom.  The bed she had been using was part of a bunk bed.  Now I can put both halves of the bunk bed together side-by-side to form another king-size bed.  I found a mattress pad at Ross tonight, along with a sheet set and blanket. 

How many king-from-twin beds am I going to assemble, you might be asking.  Every Thanksgiving, we have a houseful of relatives and friends come.  The younger set is fine in sleeping bags on the floor, but it is nice to have something a little more padded and off the floor for the over-40 crowd.  That being said, I'm probably done with my twin-bed conversions for a while. 

Tomorrow night I am teaching a class at Relief Society (the women's organization at church) about fall gardening.  The pressure is on, as it is being billed as "How to Grow a Successful Fall Garden".  I was feeling pretty confident until "successful".  On the bright side, the assignment pretty much requires me to get outside and actually plant a fall garden. 

The desktop computer has officially died, and I ordered a replacement online today.  So hopefully I will have the new computer up and running in the next day or two, and youngest daughter can really start hitting the books, so to speak. 

Next Tuesday, I am attending a meeting of the local group of puppy raisers for Guide Dogs for the Blind.  For about as long as I can remember, I've wanted to raise a puppy for Guide Dogs for the Blind.  I'm thinking that this might be a really good time to do that.  I'll learn more on Tuesday about what being a puppy raiser entails. 


  1. Raising puppies would just be so sad! So fun, but so sad =[


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