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Sunday Musings of the Spirit (on Saturday): Two Ten Things of Thankful Lists

A few days ago, I learned about a great blog hop--Ten Things of Thankful--from my friend over at A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall.  I knew I just had to participate.  I mean, how could I be Thankful Me and not join in?  

Ten Things of Thankful

As I was thinking about what I would write, though, I realized that I could either write a heavy, bare-my-soul post, or I could write about lighter things that make me smile.  Indecisive me couldn't choose, so I'm writing two list.  

List #1 (Deep): 

I'm thankful for:

1.  A literal Heavenly Father who loves me.

2.  The chance to be here on earth and be blessed with a physical body.  

3.  A plan of happiness that allows us the opportunity to return to live with our Heavenly Father.

4.  Jesus Christ, who is central to that plan.  He willingly came to earth, took upon Himself the sins, pains, and sicknesses of the world, all because He loves us and loves the Father.  

5.  My parents and siblings, who taught me what family life is all about.  

6.  My husband and children, who also taught me what family life is all about.  

7.  My extended family--those who came before me, and those who have been married or born into the family, or are yet to join us.

8.  Temples, which allow families to be forever, and not just "until death do us part."

9.  Being able to receive guidance, direction, and comfort from the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  

10.  Friends, old and new.

List #2 (Light):

I'm thankful for:

1. Lilacs.

2.  Old houses.

3.  Raspberries.

4.  Dogs.

5.  Libraries.

6.  Disneyland.

7.  Bagpipes.  (Apparently this is an odd thing to be thankful for, as I've had 2 comments so far asking me what prompted me to put bagpipes on the list.  In a stream-of-consciousness way, this is what happened:    I started by thinking I needed to add something musical to my list.  I love folk music, but that is a broad category, and then bagpipes popped into mind.  I've always loved the sound of bagpipes.  I loved going to parades and hearing the bagpipes approaching.  When I was about 11 or 12, I wanted to learn to play them, but that never panned out.  No one in my family plays bagpipes, but my brother did attend a Highland Games festival recently, and had mentioned the bagpipes, so I guess I had bagpipes on the brain. 

8.  Chickens.

9.  Sleep.

10.  Picket fences. 

Thanks for all of those things, and more!

You might find my posts on these blog hops:

Sew Darn Crafty Party,  Find a Friend Friday, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop, Show Your Stuff, The Wildly Original Link Party, Wow Us Wednesdays, Down Home Blog Hop, Tuesday Archive Link Up, Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River, Grandparents Say It Saturday
The Creative Home Acre Hop Best Blog Post Ever, Grand Social,
Crafty Garden Mama,
Let's Get Social Sundays
Freedom Fridays
Tuesdays with a Twist
Pattern Party 
All My Bloggy Friends
A Peek into My Paradise

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  1. Arg!! This all was put together so fast, and I was so busy, I forgot to add you as part of my inspiration for joining!! I'm so sorry. I get excited every time you post, knowing I'm about to read something positive and interesting. So glad you decided to link up with us!

    I like that you made two lists. It is always important to keep those "deep" things with us, as they are so important in our lives. However, that same Jesus that gave us those "deep" gifts, also gave us the little ones, too. I have to say, though, you are the first person I've ever known to be grateful for bagpipes. Does someone in your family play them? Have you heard them lately that they were on your mind?

    1. I've added an explanation to my bagpipes comment. Also, I do have ancestors from Scotland, so maybe I've inherited the bagpipes gene!

  2. ...(not me) not such a little gift, I totally go with item 4 on List #2!

    It might not show going into my blog through the link, but going in from the 'public side' I have a picture of our first dog, Ola. The photo is one of my favorites as it shows her 'nature' the best... i.e. 'big teeth, big smile'

    Glad to see another participant!

    1. Oh, "little" gifts do not mean unimportant; I really like dogs! If you post your blog url, I'll take a look at Ola.

  3. Love your lists Kristi. So much to be thankful for. Have a Blessed Sunday!

  4. Great lists and I'm glad you made two, too! I also am very curious about the bagpipes because really? You have to come back and explain.

    Now I'm going to be thinking about what would be my top 10 grateful things. I will say they have changed over the years -- much better lists now!

    1. I added an explanation to my bagpipes comment. And, while I love everything on my "light" list, I have an exceptionally hard time saying "top 10." I would agonize forever if I had to prioritize my list, so that list is simply 10 things, not the "top 10" things. Music in general would probably make a top 10 list, but probably not bagpipes in specific--though I do love them!

  5. YAY for Disneyland and raspberries! And yes - I too am thankful for learning what family life is all about. Great list (and so cool that you made 2!).

    1. Wow--another Kristi who loves both Disneyland and raspberries! Have you tried the White Chocolate Raspberry cookie sold at Disneyland on Main Street and at the shop near Winnie the Pooh?

  6. Aren't His creations delicious?


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