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Ten Things of Thankful: Hope for a Routine Edition

As regular readers know, I moved across state lines in August, and I've found myself struggling to find my groove and establish an everyday routine here. I'm finally starting to see the end of some of the tasks associated with moving, and can look ahead to settling in. This week, I'm thankful:

1. The escrow on the sale of our primary home in California is now closed! Within the next few weeks, we should be completely done with escrows, and I'm happy to start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

2. Inspections of the new house came back with only minimal issues--nothing that would give us great concern. I'm starting to think about paint colors, etc. and things we'd like to do when the house is officially ours. 

3. We were able to figure out how to get the treadmill inside the house. It had been sitting inside the garage since our move, but recently (and with the help of a nice stranger who was walking by and noticed we could use a hand), we were able to get it to fit through the back door. My running routine has begun again--which is really nice, since John and I are scheduled to run a 5K Saturday morning!)

4. (Related to #3) My lungs are adapting to the altitude. Walking has always been fine, but running (and hiking the Y) was another matter. While some of the problem was due to a break in regular training, part of it had to be altitude-related. I'm starting to breathe easier while running. I still expect to place at the back of the pack tomorrow (I don't exactly fit in the main demographic of runners here), but am just happy I should be able to breathe. 

5. Our youngest daughter is starting to make new friends and now has things to do and places to go. 

6. I'm starting to return to more regular blogging, and opportunities seem to be coming to me, which has been a delightful surprise. I wrote previously about attending a taping of Christmas Under the Stars with Five for Fighting. This past week I was invited to the movie premiere of The Stray. Next week, look for a review of Garth Smith's new Christmas CD, A Sacred Christmas. While I didn't start this blog to do reviews, and I have been choosy about what I will review, I welcome the chance to support good, wholesome entertainment, or products that I personally find useful or noteworthy.

7. My visiting teachers were very sweet and brought me dinner one night this week. They had basically told me when I moved in, that they were going to find a time to bring me dinner, so I wouldn't have to worry about it. I got a text this week asking, "Is tomorrow OK?" It was very nice--especially since my sink decided to stop up that afternoon! (John got it unstopped soon without too much hassle.)

8. I had a nice phone conversation with a friend, and though it's been decades since we've lived in the same town, and a while since we've last spoken, we picked right up where we last left off. She's a great friend, a lovely person, and a terrific example to me. 

9. Everyday, the leaves on the trees and bushes turn prettier and prettier. I think we will take a drive up the canyon soon.

Photo: A shrub with brilliant red leaves grows in a bark-covered bed with other green-leaved bushes
10. Sharing my life with John. We celebrate the big moments and the little ones together. The what isn't as important as the who, and whether we are at a movie premiere or at a home improvement store, we have fun together. I'm so thankful for John.

What are you thankful for this week? Do you have a well-established routine, or are you trying to find your groove?

Would you like to join the community of bloggers who link up their posts of gratitude each week? Go on over to the Ten Things of Thankful blog to link up with us, and be sure to read what others are writing!

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  1. Fantastic that you, John, and your daughter are finding a new routine. Have a good time runnin the Five K

    1. Thank you. We did have a good time running this morning.

  2. Your thankfuls made me smile, especially that last one!

  3. Great list of thankfuls. I am glad you are all settling in to your new home. Have a great weekend!

  4. Hey Kristi, long time no see. Having been absent for a while, didn't know you'd moved. I've done it way too many times in my life and it's always a chore. May have one more coming up in the next few years. Good to hear you and your family are doing well. Later! Rich

    1. Good to see you! I agree with you on moving; it is a pain. We were in our last house for 8 years, and that's the longest we've been in one place. The years seem to go quicker and quicker.

  5. Congratulations! (#1,2) Until that day comes, there isn't quite complete closure.
    I always found it exciting exploring "new" routines when moving to a new place. Discovering or maybe in your case re-discovering a place and it's people:)
    Wow. The altitude thing. Must take awhile to get used to? Years ago, when I was much younger, I visited Lake Tahoe. That was the first time I had ever experienced "altitude". I was in my 20's and I was out of breath walking up a hill!
    I'm glad that you and John and your daughter are feeling at home. And how nice for a stranger to help. It seems less often we get gestures from strangers to help.
    Isn't wonderful to have friends you can do that with? Like no time has passed. Excellent.
    A lovely post Kristi. You and John have a wonderful week! Youngest daughter too!

    1. Altitude is definitely a real thing. Luckily, I trust that my body will eventually adapt--just like it did to living in the desert in California. (Technically, we still live in a desert, but I can tell you that this desert is much greener and wetter than the previous one!)
      Utah is a particularly friendly place. We were certainly grateful for the help moving that heavy treadmill!

  6. Well, in a sense, (the altitude) allows you to become more healthy everyday, just because. (It makes a certain type of sense).
    While I am totally an ocean person, I found, on my fingers-of-one-hand trips to Salt Lake City that mountains have a similar, 'you are tiny and powerless in comparison' vibe that oceans do, and they (the mountains) seem to change in appearance quite frequently.
    How is the variety of the local fauna, compared to CA? Looking forward to your photos which are always most excellent.

    1. I understand what you mean about altitude. Just by carrying on everyday activities, my lungs are learning to get by on less oxygen. (At least in theory, that should be the case.)

      I'll try to get a more photo-heavy post next week. Probably will be more flora than fauna, though. We're hoping to go on a drive up the canyon to see the changing colors. Maybe we'll spot some wildlife, too. I see quail everyday, I saw a buck in my backyard a few weeks ago, and I smelled (but didn't see) a skunk a couple of mornings in the past couple of weeks. Hoping the stinker doesn't take up residence in my yard!

  7. Finally I am coming around to read posts, and this was such an uplifting beginning, Kristi! It sounds like you are beginning to settle in to life in Provo, and I love that you are determined to run without worrying about where you will place. It is the intention and the follow thru that matters! How kind of the new neighbor to stop and help with your treadmill. I agree with you about wholesome entertainment, it seems harder and harder to find, and when we do it is cause for celebration and sharing! I am excited about your eventual move to your new home, it is fun to focus on decorating and set up instead of packing and leaving. The colors on that bush are amazing, enjoy the beautiful season while it lasts, looking forward to some awesome snow pix in the coming months! XOXO

    1. Hope you had a nice weekend! I am definitely enjoying fall and hoping for just the right amount of snow this winter. :-)

  8. Good for you for keeping up on the running. You are a star.

    Doing reviews here sounds like fun. How great for you that you get the chance to do that.

    I love fall and wish I could see the colours of the leaves, especially the red ones.

    Hope the run went well and I still love that you end your list (number 10) with your gratitude for your partner in life. Sweet of you to give him that spot.

    1. I don't feel like a star during the process of returning to a regular running routine, but if I can resume the running habit, I hope to feel, if not like a star, at least healthy enough to breathe and move at the same time.


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