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Ten Things of Thankful: Another Action-Packed Week, but in a Good Way

Last week, I was thankful for bruises that weren't breaks.  This week wasn't quite as adventurous as last, but I'm still a bit dizzy in the Wow has it just been a week since. . .  sort of way.

I had one full day home from Oregon before I packed my suitcase again and traveled with John and youngest son and daughter to John's brother's house for the Memorial Day weekend.  Oldest son and his wife met us there.

1(+).  I'm thankful to live within driving distance (even though it's a long drive) of relatives.  I'm thankful that the flat tire occurred near a nice wide turn-out, before sunset, and that we had a full-size spare.  

2.  I'm thankful for the hospitality of John's brother and sister-in-law.  We all get along well, and it's fun to catch up.  

3.  I'm thankful we could celebrate with oldest son, who had just taken the MCAT in preparation for applying to medical school.

MCAT son is the relieved-looking one on the left.  Thumbs-up son agrees we're all having fun.

We enjoyed a BBQ, croquet and other games, swimming in the pool, and getting acquainted with the cats.  

On Monday we drove to San Francisco and enjoyed playing tourist. 

4.  I'm thankful that the Musee Mecanique provided fun for all the boys (and girls, too!)

5.  I'm thankful that driving down Lombard Street is a tradition for us, every time we are in San Francisco.

6.  I'm thankful we could stroll along the waterfront, and enjoy the sights, smells, sounds, and tastes of the surroundings.  

We drove home Monday night, and Tuesday evening Drexel and I enjoyed a guide dog training meeting.

7.  I'm thankful for good dogs, and good organizations.

Wednesday I tried to get caught up with things here at home.  I had promised middle daughter I would go with her to Disneyland on Thursday.

8.  I'm thankful for Disneyland, and family time.

Friday (today), I got to have two adorable girls spend the day with me.  

9.  I'm thankful for my granddaughters, and I'm happy they enjoy Drexel.

10.  I'm thankful for John.  I visited San Francisco, but I didn't leave my heart there.  

How was your week?  What are you thankful for?

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  1. I been though San Francisco but didn't spend any time there.

    Your family gathering looks like a lot of fun.

    1. We did have fun. (We even went miniature golfing without incident!)

  2. I've only visited San Francisco one time, but it was memorable and wonderful. It's definitely on the list of places I'd like to revisit. You had a lovely week, Kristi. Family, fun and dogs.

  3. Your San Francisco photos look lovely. When I went to California we landed in San Francisco but moved on right away to another city, so I only saw it in passing.

    1. I've "visited" cities like that before. :-)

  4. WOW you guys are getting sooooooo much better at the selfies huh????? I am not overly fond of CA but if there is anywhere out there I would settle its San Francisco area. Looks like a great trip. I do so love the doggies photo!

    1. Thank you. I probably should confess that it was hard to see the bridge in the first one we took. There are plenty of things I am not fond of about California, but there are also plenty of things I do like.
      The dogs worked so hard that night, trying to stay until we told each dog to come. Let's just say more practice is needed. The photo is a near-miracle!

  5. Your granddaughters are adorable! Love all your pictures. San Francisco is on my Bucket List. I've always wanted to see it. Hope I will someday ... but in the meantime, I'm very glad you did and I greatly enjoyed the photos you shared.Your Memorial Day weekend looks and sounds like it was marvelous. :)

  6. I have been to California but to San Diego. I do want to get back there and get to San Fransico!

    1. San Diego is one of our favorite places for a weekend getaway!

  7. I'd love to go to San Fran one day. I'm glad you had a great weekend. Med school? WOW. What a smartypants! Those labs melted my heart.

    1. Aren't the dogs cute? Our group is really skewed toward the yellow labs!

  8. I've never been to San Francisco but it looks beautiful. I hope life takes me there soon. And you and I could definitely hang with the Disney thang. Fly east and we'll do a race at WDW and I'll head west and we can race at Disneyland. Have a great week. (and your son is most cute. hope those scores are as he wants.)

    1. Did you see that Disneyland Paris is having an inaugural half-marathon weekend in 2016? :-)

  9. Wow, you do more in one week than I did al month!!! I love San Francisco and hope to go there again one day. John and his brother look very much alike. Good to see you all had a wonderful time together.

    1. Oh, but if we compared sewing projects, I would definitely be slower! I've spent all afternoon trying to learn how to thread and adjust tension on my new serger. :-)

  10. I have never been to the west coast, but if I ever go, I think I'd want to see San Franciso. Or Seattle, maybe. I dunno.
    Love the dogs - great names, especially Hummus!
    Beautiful granddaughters...beautiful family. Your week was certainly filled with family, fun, and love.

    1. Both San Francisco and Seattle are great towns!
      Guide Dogs for the Blind names the puppies. Each dog has a unique name. No puppy in training or working guide shares a name. Once a dog retires or career-changes, though, the name can be used again. In the photo above, Hummus, Drexel, Striker, and Dee are career-change dogs, and so there might be other puppies by those names in the Guide Dog program.

  11. I had a good week. Didn't go anywhere major but that's fine. Resting up for big summer trip to visit family across country. I'm not as fortunate as you are in that respect.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

    1. Have a good trip, and thanks for stopping by!

  12. WOW!! No wonder I haven't seen much of you around the internet lately! So much fun! I've never been to San Francisco, but I'll get there someday. In that first photo, is the guy in the back John's brother? They look a lot alike!

    1. I think I was away from home more often than not in May.
      Yes, that's John's younger brother. He has an older brother, too, and all 3 of the brothers look a lot alike.

  13. Your whole family looks so much alike! Sometimes I think even you and John do! I know some of your kids are adopted, but I can never tell which. You must be very close. :)

    1. I've heard that married couples often start to resemble each other over time--maybe the same is true for children? (My girls in the Matterhorn photo with me are my adopted children, by the way.)

  14. We flew up to San Francisco for a long weekend one time. My favorite part was going to Alcatraz, although the boat ride there didn't thrill me. Looks like a fun weekend.
    My son will be taking the MCAT this winter. We have smart boys!
    Drexel looks a little less than thrilled with your granddaughters. Maybe "apprehensive" is a better word for the look on his face.

    1. Alcatraz is interesting. We've been on that tour once, but didn't do it this time.
      Good luck to your son with the MCAT, too.
      Drexel actually loves everyone, including the girls. Youngest granddaughter is the apprehensive one--at least when it comes to dogs.

  15. wonderful week you had - congrats to your son what a wonderful accomplishment - you must be so proud.

  16. so what else did you do last week? (lol)

    waterfront caught my eye and 'smells'… it's (to me) an amazingly full set of smells associated with waterfront in general and fishing boats in particular..

    excellent group doggie photo and, of course Drexel! (ever the patient photo shoot model, no?)

    1. Drexel is patient. All of the dogs worked so hard for us to be able to get that shot!

  17. We even braved a miniature golf course! (Though not the same one where John and the kids were locked inside.) :-)

  18. A photo list - what a great idea! Beautiful pics!

    1. Thank you. I like to use photos as much as I can.

  19. You were busy but it all looks like so much fun! We lived near SF for 6 months in the first year of our marriage. We would visit the city often, it is a super unique place. I have pictures that my sister took of me driving my car down Lombard Street! Probably everyone does that! As always your pictures are terrific. I hope your coming week is filled with thankfuls!

    1. Was your sister at the bottom of the street, or in the car with you? Maybe I should stand at the bottom of the street next time, and get a photo of our car making its way down that windy road.

  20. Who wouldn't love Drexel? Such a cute picture. I have also had "a week" which is why I am so late getting here!


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