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Ten Things of Thankful: Thanksgiving Edition

It is a bit ironic that I don't post as much on my blog, Thankful Me, during the week of Thanksgiving.  Don't let my lack of new posts lead you to believe I'm ungrateful, though.  My week has been full of gratitude, as I've been surrounded by family for the holiday.

1. Youngest son arrived home first.  While we were out running errands, I asked him to try to get some photos of the jet planes that were flying.  As soon as I asked him, it seemed like the planes stopped flying.  However, he was very proud of this image and wanted to make sure I posted it on the blog.  I'm thankful for him, and the encouragement he gives me.

 2.  One of the errands we ran was suit shopping.  Youngest son was a groomsman in his roommate's wedding this week.  I'm thankful for the good friends my children have, and for the fact my son just needed a suit, not a tuxedo.

3.  I'm thankful for the safety everyone had while traveling here.  In addition to youngest son, John's parents, John's brother and sister-in-law, oldest son and daughter-in-law, and a niece and nephew stayed with us for the weekend.  Middle daughter and her children and boyfriend came for Thanksgiving dinner.  Everyone arrived without incident.

4.  I'm thankful for the hoppin' good time everyone had.  Literally, in the case of my granddaughters. 

5.  I'm thankful that the older "kids" had fun, too.  (I volunteered for the very important role of spinner for this particular game.)

6.  I'm thankful that the lights that John put up years ago for a backyard open house after oldest son's wedding are still up, and provide light for things like croquet games. 

7.  I'm thankful for the volunteers who jumped in and helped with  dishes without being asked.  Although the house is full of people, it isn't a burden.  Many hands really do make light work.  

8.  I'm thankful for the fact that even though some family members couldn't make it here for Thanksgiving, we have means to communicate easily.  Thanks to Twitter, I knew exactly how oldest daughter's first turkey was doing.  Thanks to e-mail, I knew that even though my grandma had another fall, she didn't break anything this time and didn't seem in pain.  Thanks to Facebook, I knew that my cousin's cancer is in remission, and that there are 15 good potential matches for a bone marrow transplant!

9.  I'm thankful for Thanksgivings past, that roll into Thanksgiving present, and will continue in Thanksgiving future.  The food, the laughter, the football, the conversations, the games, the putting away of leftovers--the rhythm of the holiday weaves a tradition that binds the family.  When I see someone picking the meat off the turkey carcass, I think of my grandma on my Dad's side.  She's gone, but she's present.  Thanksgiving traditions connect me to relatives, whether or not they are physically in my home. 

10.  I'm thankful for John.  Twenty-eight years ago, we went on a picnic the day after Thanksgiving.  It was remarkably beautiful weather for a November day in Utah.  We shared turkey sandwiches and sparkling cider, and threw a frisbee around.  That evening, John walked me to the door of my apartment, and we had our first kiss.  We don't always get a chance to have a picnic after Thanksgiving now, but we do at least give a nod to that wonderful date so long ago. 

I hope your week was wonderful, too.  Let me know what you are thankful for! 

Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. Aw, what a sweet first date story.

    1. Thanks. It wasn't actually our first date--but it was our first kiss. :-)

  2. I especially like #10, and I'm glad that you and your family enjoyed the Thanksgiving day.

  3. Wow, it looks like it was a family-filled thanksgiving, with a rollicking good time over twister! A happy thanksgiving to all!

    1. The shortest Twister game was the first one, where the spinner kept landing on green. There were not enough green circles to go around!

  4. Sounds like you had just a wonderful time with your loved ones. Blogging about Thankfulness is easy in the week of Thanksgiving. Seeing you do it all year long is much more special and gives you a week off....
    How wonderful you can be outside in t-shirt in the evening in late November!!! I'm very envious at that (this sentence doesn't sound good, but I think you know what I mean. Is it proper English??) Over here we had our first days of freezing weather and because of that I'm hurting all over, longing for Spring. Or a house in South Africa or some other warm place.
    Thanks for sharing again and I hope you and John have many more years of kisses together. xxx

    1. Everyone has left now and the house is quiet, but it was a wonderful time.
      Your English is very good. The only change I would make to your sentence would be the addition of "a" before "t-shirt" (if you intended singular person), or no "a" and "t-shirts" (if you intended plural). Whether or not that is proper, I don't know, but in any case, I had no problem understanding your comment. :-)
      I'm sorry the cold is causing you to ache. Hopefully you can stay warm and feel better!

  5. I'm so happy that you had such a nice Thanksgiving weekend. Your son looks dapper in his new suit.

    1. I failed to get a photo with the tie and boutonniere, which made him look even more dapper. He's a character, that one. Everyone just left this morning and I miss them all ready.

  6. I have climate envy! (I assume that #5 is a current photo…and you both appear to be in shirt sleeves… and not running for the door) lol

    good to hear about Thanksgivings experienced as (imo) they are intended.

    1. That is my daughter and my son in the photo, but you are right, it was taken this weekend and accurately reflected the temperature. We are envious of other places that are receiving precipitation! This morning, though, we got a few sprinkles, and the forecast gives us hope to receive some measurable rain in the next couple of days. We'll see. As evidenced by the state of the lawn, we could sure use it!

  7. happy thanksgiving what a wonderful it has been truly a beautiful family and lovely memories - have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you. I hope you had a wonderful weekend, too.

  8. I'm thankful for a good friend who invited me to join in her family's celebration. I had a wonderful time.

    1. Oh, good! Holidays are best spent with others. :-)

  9. Great date story!
    Glad your grandmom is okay after the fall ....
    and 15 possible matches WEEHA! Thats awesome!
    First turkeys are always a bit nerve wracking!
    love that we had skyping capabilities on Thanksgiving... it let us go surfing in Tahoe with my neph and great nephs...
    Thanksgiving was my first date with Tseering... nice memories there!

    1. I don't really have a frame of reference on typical results on number of matches, but 15 sounded like a really good amount.

      Your first date with Tseering was on Thanksgiving? That must bring back good memories!

      Surfing in Tahoe? I've never been to Tahoe; I didn't realize there was surfing there. I've boogie boarded before, but have never attempted surfing. I think vicarious surfing via skype or just watching in person is the closest I'll get to trying that sport.

  10. Safe travel is such a big thing. I like the roll of spinner as well! Why is it kids have to bounce? I guess thats a redundant question but its like someone just twisted a spring in them. WOW 28 years. what a legacy!

    1. If I had as much energy as my grandchildren. . . :-)

    2. If someone bottled an energy drink and called it "energy of a five year old" it would sell like wildfire!

  11. Number 8 definitely could have been expanded out to count for ten all by itself!
    It has been a good week. :-)

  12. You post less in a week like this because you are out there living your life! I love your post...children and family gathered safely around you AND the means to be so instantly connected to those who are far away. I love that you were able to share your daughter's turkey experience via Twitter. (I may just break down and Twitter after all...)
    I think I love your #9 most of all because it's so true and that's the part of family gatherings and traditions that I love...seeing the past, seeing one another, in the moments of the present. Yeah. I'm going to go cry awhile now...

  13. What a great weekend! So glad everyone arrived safely and had a good time. The lights in the back are wonderful!

    1. It's amazing the lights have lasted as long as they have, especially because we get fairly strong winds here.

  14. I love the picture your son took! There may not have been any planes but he did catch something flying! The X-Files was one of my favorite shows:)
    Family,plentiful food, games, good conversation, children....many a happy memory. It is great isn't it, the way we can connect to people who aren't there in person via technology?
    What a wonderful connection to Thanksgiving for you - the day after, 28 years ago:)
    No wonder Thanksgiving is your favorite holiday:D
    Have a wonderful week Kristi.

    1. Oh, good, someone understood "do Do do do do do." :-)
      I do love Thanksgiving, but (regardless of what Clark says about rogers) I think Christmas is my favorite holiday. Of course, the Christmas season starts the day after Thanksgiving in this house, so late November/December is just one big happy thankful holiday season.
      Hope you have a great week, too!

  15. We had such a great time. Thanks for hosting. It is good to be with family when we can. "The wonderful thing about great nieces, is great nieces are wonderful things. Their tops are made out of rubber, their bottoms are made out of springs!" It rained all the way home, so I hope it heads your way.

    1. Glad you made it home safely. We've had a few sprinkles here today, but I doubt anything measurable fell. The forecast shows Tuesday as our best chance for any real rain. Glad to hear that other parts of the state are getting good rain.

      We had a great time, too!

  16. Aww! You and your husband's story seems like it would be so wonderful to watch on the big screen! I love the family time so much. This makes me excited about having more kids running around as we continue to make traditions of our own. :) I'm glad you had such a great week!

    1. What a sweet comment! (Now to figure out who would portray us on screen. . . lol)

  17. Sounds like you had a wonderful house full of people this week. What fun! It really isn't a burden to have so many, as long as everyone jumps in to help. We have up to 50 people at our Thanksgiving meals each year, and no one is overworked. Some cook, some wash dishes, some pick up trash, some direct kids where to help. It all works.

    That is the sweetest first kiss story...

    I must say, I'm jealous of the short sleeves on Thanksgiving. We had snow. I just keep telling myself, "It is pretty..." :)

    1. 50 people? Wow! You use a community hall, right? I can't imagine being able to seat/house that many at a time in my home. However, with everyone pitching in to help, it would not be a burden.

      It's sprinkled a bit today, and we're supposed to get real rain tomorrow. We'll be bundled up, thinking we're cold at 55 degrees. :-)

  18. I just love thankful #10 -- what a sweet story! It was a wonderful holiday here, too.

  19. Kristi, I love your entire post but your #9 and #10 just brought me to tears. Honestly. Such beautiful sentiments that are so very true and the sweet first date story...loved it. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. There is something powerful about family traditions.


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