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Ten Things of Thankful: It's December Edition

Just last week we celebrated Thanksgiving, but after the events of this week, I think I should celebrate again.  Luckily, I am linking up with the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop, so I have a platform to share my thankful thoughts. 

1.  I'm thankful for these weeks leading up to Christmas.  I love the music, the decor, the excitement, and the wonder of it all.  I love this little reminder of how to celebrate the real meaning of the season:

2.  I'm thankful for the chance we had to have our granddaughter stay with us for a few days this week.  I enjoyed introducing her to Disneyland and reading, playing, and singing together.


3.  I'm thankful that Drexel gets along well with everyone, including a "dog-dog"-loving baby.

4.  I'm thankful for our newest granddaughter, who was born on Monday night.

5.  I'm thankful our granddaughters will have the joy of being sisters, even if a calm relationship might take some time to develop.

What a look of determination on older sister's face!

"What do you mean, she's going home with us?!"

6.  I'm thankful for date night with John.  We watched the movie, "Philomena," then found a little Vietnamese restaurant for dinner.  I recommend both.  The movie could have easily pandered to emotion, but instead did a great job with the sensitive subject of adoption of Irish-Catholic babies in the 1950s.  As for the Vietnamese restaurant, it's hard to find a better cuisine than what results in the marriage of Chinese and French food.  Better than the movie or the dinner, though, was the company.  I love being married to my best friend!

7.  I'm thankful that I didn't have to march in the Christmas parade today.  Our guide dog puppy club was scheduled to walk in the parade, but our wise leaders decided that we should keep the puppies warm and dry today instead.   Though our weather isn't as extreme as other places, it is cold (highs in the 40's--colder this morning when the parade took place), windy (about 25 mph, with bigger gusts), and spitting rain/snow.  I'm enjoying staying inside.

8.  That being said, I'm thankful for the gorgeous rainbow that parked itself in the field this morning, before the clouds covered the sun.

9.  I'm thankful again for the cute little bunny that lives under our shed.  He is getting more emboldened around us, and doesn't automatically duck under the shed when we go outside. 

10. I'm thankful for the chance to accompany our church stake choir, and I'm thankful for the friendship of the director (and choir members, too.)  We were able to perform this afternoon at a local creche festival, but I have another week to practice before we perform in our Christmas concert next Sunday evening.

The Creche Festival has over 1000 nativities set up throughout the room.

What are you thankful for this week?  We'd love to have you join the link-up!

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Thanks for new babies, both now and thousands of years ago.

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Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Such lovely grandbabies! I think I'm going to see Philomena this weekend- glad you enjoyed it!

    1. I hope you like it. I loved the interaction between the reporter and the mother.

  2. Congratulations...such beautiful babies! Beautiful message about the true meaning of Christmas i am trying to instill that to my family as well this year, so important!
    I am thankful that I am finished with decorating, my house is clean and we get to enjoy the holiday season!

    Have a wonderful Sunday and week too!

    1. I need to finish my decorating by Tuesday--I'm hosting a guide dog puppy club Christmas party then.

      Enjoy your week!

  3. Item #6* I am grateful for having co-hosts who are supportive of my efforts to develop the capacity to express gratitude (the difference between 'feeling' and 'expressing which implies 'outloud-to-other-people' being subtle but significant)

    I am way behind on reading the Posts this weekend, so far behind that this is my Second Comment (and my second Post, in fact) so my Comment for this Post will follow this Comment.
    lol yeah, I get that a lot

    1. It's the outside-the-head part that can be tricky, though you seem to be doing fine. I've found myself on both the giving and receiving end of words that haven't come out quite as intended, so I do think patience is in order with everyone.

  4. …ok this is my Comment on your Post *
    you do the photos as illustration to a Post better than anyone I see 'round here. Actually I would offer that the photos are not just an enhancement of the text (of your Post) but is a equally enjoyable part of 'the story'… i.e. our Posts are all stories of our lives

    *that previous 'Comment' was actually my Number 6 Item from my Sunday Post.

    1. You flatter me. I think I use photos as a cop-out sometimes, though. A picture's worth a thousand words, you know. Much easier for me to slap up a photo than come up with an eloquently-worded paragraph. I am trying to improve both the words and the photos, though, and I do appreciate the compliment.

  5. Thanks. The lesson I seem to be slowly learning is that by focusing on what is truly important, my attitude is calm. Sometimes this time of year can be a fine line between excitement and stress, and when I remember the reason behind my actions, my to-do list takes care of itself.

  6. Ohhh, I love that squinchy, newborn face! She's beautiful - congratulations. I also love sister's she's-really-going-home-with-us face. Poor baby. Her little world is about to be rocked. Drexel is handsome, as always, and that rainbow picture is nothing short of amazing. You can see the double rainbow faintly above it. Gorgeous!

    1. She can communicate quite a bit with her facial expressions. Fortunately, she's really quite an easy-going girl, and I think she will adapt well, but there definitely will be an adjustment phase!

  7. Congrats on the newest addition to your family! What a sweet little one! I love everything else on your list, too, from doggies to rainbows. Ahh...awesome! :D

  8. squinchy pink face! favorite time of life... I love newborns! They are so ... so.... I don't even have a word for it ...its THAT good!

    1. There is something sacred, miraculous, and hopeful about newborns, but I don't think there is a word that accurately captures all that is embodied in a baby.

  9. I totally forgot... the "she's going home with us?,,," photo had me laughing out loud! She is so adorable...that look really was saying something like that... priceless...

    1. Oh, her facial expressions are something else, all right!

  10. Ah, sweet, sweet grandbabies. That newborn face is just plain precious, and her sister's is hilarious.
    That was one gigantic, perfectly full-colored, in front of a blue, blue sky rainbow. Beautiful!
    Glad you got to stay home, warm and dry, instead of freezing (for you) and wet in the parade.

    1. The funny thing is, the older sister has an easy-going personality and the younger one has been more demanding from the get-go. It will be interesting to watch the two of them grow up together.

  11. Congratulations! What a wonderful gift for everyone. I just love #6, too! It is so nice to share life with someone you really like!

  12. Congratulations!!! Along with everyone else...your rainbow photo is gorgeous!

    I've never been/heard of a Creche Festival...looks amazing.

    1. The Creche Festival is a yearly event where people can bring in their nativity sets to display, and musical acts--from churches, schools, families, individuals, etc--are invited to perform. A Messiah sing-along is always part of the festivities. There is also a children's room, with crafts and dress-up clothes. It's really a big event, and well-attended by the community.

  13. Look how late I am this week! Those are some beautiful babies, first of all - congratulations and good health to everyone!

    The rainbow is unbelievable - don't you love seeing such beauty right in front of you?

    And that Creche Festival sounds awesome. I love Nativities. So does my daughter. That would be a fantastic way to spend an afternoon.

    Off to check our your TToT for THIS week, too!

  14. I prefer to think, "Wow! Look at her dedication in reading TToT posts!"

    The variety of nativities is amazing--nativities from all over the world, using different mediums, from intricate to very simple.

    The girls are doing fine. The youngest ended up back in the hospital due to jaundice, but she's out again now.

    The rainbow really was beautiful, and lasted quite a while.


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